Parched: Should We Be Drinking Tap Water?

June 8, 2017

We all know the human body is made up of at least 60% water and we’ve heard countless times to drink at least 8 glasses a day but if you’re drinking straight from the tap, you may be ingesting more than the beneficial minerals naturally found in water.

Should We Be Drinking Tap Water?

Let’s think about this for a minute, where does all the run off from pesticide use, the toxic chemicals dumped into our waterways from industrial companies, the everyday cleaning agents used in households, and metals from old water pipes and storage tanks go?  Yup, you guessed it, they end up back in our water supply for all of us to quench our thirst with.  Some contaminants are even added intentionally like Fluoride – to help with tooth decay and chlorine – to purify.

Of course, some countries, states and provinces have more contaminants in their water supply than others but you can bet that instead of getting good, clean, delicious tasting water, you may be getting a glass filled with some serious toxins no matter where you live.  A few notable ones to mention are lead, mercury and PCB’s.

Lead contamination occurs mainly from corrosion from underground pipes, solder used in plumbing and is also found in brass faucets.  It’s toxic to almost every organ in the body and can cause memory loss, mood changes and high blood pressure. Children are especially vulnerable and developmental delays may result.

Mercury levels are higher in humans today than in the past because of industrial waste, consumption of fresh and salt water fish, it’s used in fungicides and pesticides and being toxic, it can affect the nervous system.

PCB’s or Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls are found in adhesives, plastics, insulation and electronics.  Although they haven’t been produced in decades, they are still found in the environment because of how slowly they break down.  They are thought to increase risk of cancer and affect the immune, endocrine and nervous system.

Let’s face it, we need water to sustain life but know, and care about what you’re drinking. Perhaps invest in a filtration system that eliminates most of the harmful organisms.  You’ll love the taste and can feel good about what you’re putting inside your body!

About the Author

Jennifer Butler

Holistic Nutrition Coach


Always one to do what she wanted, when she wanted and how she wanted, that lifestyle was quickly closing in on her.  Jennifer became interested...

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