Fran Fertitta

Food as Medicine Tacoma

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Fran Fertitta. I am currently in the food industry as a district account representative for a gluten free, all natural bakery.  I have two children and two grandchildren, who have lovingly come to refer to my home as the 34th St. Cafe, in reference to my love of cooking.  I, being of Italian heritage, have always considered food that is shared as an expression of love.

From the time I was young, my passion has been food, more precisely food as nutrition for my body.  I have collected cookbooks and diet and nutrition books for as long as I can remember and am always ready for a good conversation on the pros and cons of the latest diets and food crazes.

As I am now in my 60’s, I’ve come to realize now, more than ever, that we are what we eat, and how important it is that we know what foods we should eat to help control or eliminate health problems that can be a part of aging.  My goal as a Nutrition Coach is to help those who are ready to learn, how food can be their medicine, their path, to slowing or averting many of the issues that come with aging.

Posts by Fran Fertitta

Healthy Brownies Nutraphoria

So You Think You’re Losing Your Mind?

I think that quite often, like when I can’t remember why I walked into a room, when I can’t remember where I left my cell...

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Walnut Linguine Nutraphoria

Nuts for Walnuts

Walnuts are a delicious way to add extra nutrition, flavour and crunch to a meal but did you know they are considered the top nut...

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Lemon Blueberry Bread Nutraphoria

The Berries of Summer

Living in the Pacific Northwest, we are blessed with an abundance of fresh berries growing everywhere. Blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are a few of...

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