I wasn’t always passionate about health and wellness. It arose at the age of 22 when I decided to start eating better and exercise. That’s around the same time I began getting very sick and didn’t know what was happening to me. After a year and a bit of seeing a naturopath, eating well, doing elimination diets and working out, I had gained almost 100lbs. In all that time, I learned a lot about my body, the affects of what I ingest and put on my skin and so on.
I was diagnosed August 2016 with Cushing’s Disease caused by a brain tumour in which removal was the only chance of survival. It was removed January 2017 and I enrolled at NutraPhoria a few months later after my 24th birthday as a gift to myself. I promised that after I got better, I would want to help others with their ailments through improving diet. If they have a chance of getting better with whatever they are dealing with that can be reversed through lifestyle changes, it will be my mission to show them and guide them.
I’m excited to continue learning, growing and helping others while I continue my studies and become a certified Holistic Nutritionist!