Evangelia Orfanos

Evangelia Orfanos

Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Montreal


I graduated from the Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach certification.

I am one of those people who always ate what they wanted. Foods on my preferred list included candy, soda, chips, and muffins, and I never paid much attention to eating healthy.

Unfortunately, this way of eating caught up with me and in my late teens, early 20s, I started having problems. The biggest of these were stomach issues such as bloating, stomach pain, and indigestion. And there seemed no quick fixes for my situation since this scenario lasted for years. Digestion discomfort was only the beginning, since on top of these problems, I started experiencing more complications such as cystic acne and rashes.

By then I realized I had to change something. I knew there was something I was doing wrong, but could not figure out what. So to find out what I needed to change, I decided to pursue studies in holistic health and healthy cooking and help my body get better naturally by eating real foods from nature.

From that time on, I no longer have all the digestive problems I had and my acne has vanished. I am in my early forties and look like I’m in my late twenties. And best of all, I have managed to keep the same weight in the last ten years!

During the years, I realized that toxic chemicals in food and beauty products were harming users’ health without them being aware of it.

The fact that chemicals are in everything including our food, personal care items, beauty products and even our home has had serious effects on our health and lifestyle. Disease is on the rise and I for one am a strong believer that toxins have something to do with it.

The secret is to eliminate toxins from our life as much as possible to live healthier and happier.

I taught myself a lot of things that I would like to share with you and help you in your journey.





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