10 Keys to Healthy Eating… And 5 Quick Tips

August 20, 2017

Healthy eating is a topic that has been increasing in recent times. Now we have organic markets, health coaches, fast food restaurants with healthy options, gluten-free snacks, among other things.

Although everything is at our disposal to make a change in our diet, do we really know what is to eat healthy?

10 Keys to Healthy Eating… And 5 Quick Tips!

Many times we confuse eating well with a restrictive diet to lose weight, other times we let ourselves be guided by the advertising of certain “apparently” healthy foods or we simply think we know but we do not know how. Eating healthy is making you a priority, it is an option to love and take care of you, is to know how to choose the foods that you will eat to nourish your body.

Today I want to give you some keys to start a change in your diet with a steady step towards the benefit of your health.

Enjoy your meal
Every time you eat concentrate on your plate, do not do another activity at the same time, do not eat from boredom, sadness, joy, etc., expect to be hungry. Eat slowly, chew, savor and enjoy.

Find out about nutrition (a little, you don’t have to be an expert)
This will help you better understand what foods and how much you should include in your meals, you will also understand the list of ingredients on the labels at the time of purchase and know which nutrients are the best for your health.

Prefers everything natural / fresh / organic / whole
It is always better to eat what nature offers us in its purest and fresh state, this way you get all the nutrients your body needs, for this reason it increases the consumption of fruits, grains, seeds and vegetables and if possible try to reduce processed foods. Likewise, choose whole foods over the refined ones.

In the variety is the pleasure
Try to eat a variety of foods to get different nutrients, this way your body will always be balanced and so will your health.

Use only natural sweeteners
Most artificial sweeteners have been linked to the causes of cancer and other diseases. If you are accustomed to using some type of sweetener it is preferable that you lean for the natural ones like: Maple honey, dates, coconut sugar or stevia.

Drink enough water daily
In addition to nourishing your cells and keeping you hydrated, water fulfills many more functions: it helps you eliminate toxins, regulates your digestion, increases your energy, takes care of your skin and more, for these reasons take 1 to 2 litres of water during the day.

Little salt and little sugar
Both, salt and sugar are necessary for the proper functioning of the body but in excess can be harmful causing fluid retention, increased blood pressure, problems in the kidneys, diabetes, etc. Try to reduce your consumption by adding more spices to your preparations, replacing sweets with fruit or cinnamon, for example.

Prepare your meals at home
Although the current market offers many possibilities of healthy restaurants is not the same as cooking at home, doing so allows you to choose all the ingredients of your preparations well, you know its origin and quality, you can also plan your menus and you have more control of the portions.

Take care of your digestion
One of the best indicators to know if you are eating healthy is your digestion, every day you should go to the bathroom, if not, check if you are consuming enough fiber and water, you can increase their consumption or include them in your diet.

Do not obsess
Eating healthy is important, but it can not become an obsession. When you start to make changes in the way you feed, you do them gradually and consciously, it’s not about restricting yourself, going hungry or forcing you to eat what you do not want, with this you will only be generating discomforts that can lead you to abandon your purpose of improving your eating habits.

And the 5 Quick Tips …

  • Always combine a protein + a carbohydrate (grain, fruit or vegetable) + 1 healthy fat every day.
  • Always carry healthy snacks (fruits, nuts, cereal bars, or whole-grain crackers) in your bag.
  • Discard soda and sugary drinks.
  • Avoid overcooked foods or refried.
  • Do not mix liquids with your meals.

I hope these tips will serve you and always remember the changes require time, the important thing is to make the decision to do them. Start and enjoy the journey. 😉


About the Author

Ana María Sáenz

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Health and Wellness Coach Holistic Health Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Vegan


Hi! My name is Ana María Sáenz. I’m mother of two beautiful girls and a passionate about nutrition and meditation its relationship with health and...

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