How To Beat The Winter Blues!

October 19, 2017

How To Beat The Winter Blues!

When the winter months hit, the days become shorter and the nights longer. We become affected by something known as S.A.D (seasonal affected depression) or the winter blues. This happens when reduced sunlight interferes with our biological clock, that regulates our mood, sleep and hormones. The lack of sunlight can cause an imbalance in our neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin (Which help to regulate our moods).

However, there are lots of ways to combat this.

Ways To Help With S.A.D

  • Taking a vitamin D3 supplement with a vitamin K2 and magnesium. Since vitamin D plays a part in the synthesis of both dopamine and serotonin, and helps with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It helps with our overall health. Maintaining balance is key when you are fighting the winter blues.
  • Get outdoors as much as possible especially when the sun is shining, just because it has become cold does not mean we have to hide indoors like hermits!
  • Keep exercising even if it is just a 30 min yoga session you do at home from the Internet, something is always better than nothing.
  • Try a new exercise class, to get you out of the house and out of your regular routine.
  • Make a new mix tape of all your favourite workout songs to help keep you motivated through the winter.
  • Try to make your comfort food healthier, like using lean meats, root veggies, whole wheat pastas and rice. Find foods that are packed full of vitamin D.
  • Leave your desserts for special occasions. we know we all run to those nice treats for the holiday season. So let’s try and leave them for only the holiday dinners.
  • And last but not least if you like the house warm use a humidifier, indoor heated can be known to draw the moisture out of the air, causing your skin to become dry. Using coconut oil will help if you do find it happening.

The winter blues are hard to beat but there are many ways that can beat it. So don’t let it get you down, take the time to learn all the new fun activities that you can do during the winter. I myself love the winter and everything about it!

About the Author

Caitlin Morrison

Nutrition Coach


I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys, As well as a hairstylist. Becoming a mother really raised my interest of nutrition. I want nothing...

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