Kristy Brown

Nutrition Coach Amherst

Hello there! I started my health journey because I wasn’t happy with how I felt. I knew I could take medications to ‘fix’ my problems but I felt that I would prefer to heal myself from the inside, not put a bandaid over my issues. That’s when I started learning about holistic nutrition and began this amazing journey a year ago to becoming healthy. I became so passionate about it that I decided to put what I’ve learned to good use and become a Holistic Nutrition Coach! I love everything I’ve learned so far and cannot wait to get my certification to be able to help so many others.

Posts by Kristy Brown


Let’s talk Turmeric! It’s the time of year when colds linger, sinus infections are plenty and you’re always blowing your nose. I recently had a...

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Chocolate Fudge Donut Nutraphoria

Raw Chocolate Fudge Donuts With Peanut Butter Drizzle

I am Soooo excited to share my own first recipe with you guys!!! I felt like something chocolatey and thought I’d try making some raw...

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