Aloha! I’m Tess and I live in Maui, Hawaii. I have always been interested in nutrition because I’ve had a stomach ache or head ache, OR BOTH! – at least once a day.
I’m here to keep you in the loop with anything related to every day health whether you are a child, a female, a male, young, old, already healthy, pregnant, overweight, active, “a couch potato.” Because I think in reality, we are all of these things – and just like our lifestyle… our food should come with some variety all in moderation. My passion in all of this and what I find helps ME the most to keep mind, body and spirit balanced is FITNESS.
Swimming, climbing, biking, paddling, surfing, yoga. These are what drive me to wake up in the morning and I will feel so accomplished if I am able to help just one beautiful soul to figure out what kind of daily activity will drive them to wake up, eat feel-good, whole, organic foods and inspire others as well.