Immune Turmeric – Ginger Bomb

October 27, 2018

Immune Turmeric – Ginger Bomb

Do you want to improve your health, especially this winter´s cold days? This tea is super powerful to boost your immune system and keep the virus away from you.


  • Heat a cup of water or coconut milk in a pan
  • Add 2 teaspoons of Turmeric powder (organic is better)
  • Cinnamon
  • A pinch of pepper (to activate turmeric action)
  • Grated Ginger and if you like
  • Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and honey
  • This tea is delicious and besides to improve your immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties

Enjoy it!

About the Author

Marien Rojas

Food as Medicine Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Holistic Nutrition for Health Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit


I’m a Chemist passionate about healing by food! My interest to learn about nutrition came since I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I want to...

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