Would You Try This For Breakfast?!

May 27, 2018

I know, I know. This may not sound like the top craving on your list for brekky options. It took some getting used to for me too!

However, it has been the meal of my choice everyday for the past few weeks and I just can’t get enough of it! Not to mention all of the amazing health benefits of the foods included… Okay I will mention because that’s why we’re here!

Starting with sweet potatoes which have tons of benefits including, promoting productive bacteria in the stomach, small intestine and colon; at the same time, starving out unproductive bacteria all the while enhancing the body’s production of Vitamin B12 which alone is extremely beneficial and necessary for our daily health. What a great way to begin your body’s digestion for the day!

Pro Tip: If you are looking to treat your skin naturally by the foods that you eat, make sure you keep sweet potatoes stocked in your kitchen ( and your body 😉 ) as this superfood is a magnet for helping your skin find that glow and even drawing radiation from the body to help protect against skin cancer! Seriously guys, this food is no joke.

On to the next ingredient in our brekky of the day, cabbage… dun dun dunnnnnn! But for real.. cabbage, especially if you make a quick fermentation for a homemade sauerkraut*, is another great veggie to keep close as it supports joints and reverses osteoporosis, what?! And red cabbage has a sulfur content that carries phytochemicals (compounds produced by plants) to the liver making it one of the most rejuvenating foods for the liver. Ahem, clean out time! And what a world of a difference in fighting inflammation, this simple, quick addition is a M*F*ing beast! So when in doubt mixxy-mix, for all the benefits. : )

Lastly, a secret ingredient that is only for the most brave to add to this bad ass brekky is …Spinach Salad?! Yes, seriously.

Spinach I feel, does not get enough positive-hype for all of it’s benefits. Mixed in there with all the other types of leafy greens (lettuce, swiss chard, watercress, and many more) these guys have it all from containing large amount of enzymes, vitamins and healing alkaloids (more plant compounds, that fight dis-ease) to being the most bioavailable proteins you can find. It is readily available for your body to take on with leafy greens being easily digestible, that’s a Win-Win for the whole damn process!

Spinach alone has so many impressive benefits on top of these listed that it is my go to these days.

Sweet Potato and Kraut for Brekky


  • 1/2 sweet potato          (dash of coconut oil and/or cinnamon to satisfy your sweets cravings)
  • 1/2 cup sauerkraut      (if not homemade, I prefer the brand: FarmHouse Culture > so yum)
  • 1 handful of spinach   (or any leafy green that you’re feeling right now)

Fun add-ons:

  • Little bit of honey mustard dressing    (my fav)
  • Hummus, Goat Cheese                      (gettin’ crazy with it!)
  • Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Cranberries on top of your salad

Be creative with this, change it up a bit every day. Notice how you feel throughout the day. And always keep it colorful:)

-WildBlueberries, out

About the Author

Tessa Parker

Holistic and Sports Nutrition Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Pre/Post Natal & Childhood nutrition and sports nutrition


Aloha! I’m Tess and I live in Maui, Hawaii. I have always been interested in nutrition because I’ve had a stomach ache or head ache,...

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