How I Keep Myself Nourished

September 20, 2018

How I Keep Myself Nourished

For the last half hour I have been thinking what to write about in this post but I am out of ideas so I will simply expose some foods that I am trying hard to make part of my daily routine. Let’s be clear though, I don’t take these foods like medicine, or in an obsessive manner, even if I try really hard to. I rotate them which makes it easier to never get bored with what I eat but I eat them often enough to not become deficient in anything.

A few years ago I was never a believer in nutrients other than “macros” which means: a protein, carb and fat. But things have changed and right now I am at the opposite side of the spectrum (thank God), where I actually care about my health as well and not just getting more muscular.

So here are a few of the things that I eat and treat them more like medicine rather than food:

Flax Seeds

For their omega 3 content (I am vegan and this is probably my main omega 3 source) and also they are high in fiber and antioxidants (lignans)

Green Tea

Contains antioxidants and it is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral. I use it as a mouthwash, or on my skin in face masks. And yes I am a guy and some guys like to use cosmetics and all of that stuff. Nothing wrong with that.


I use 1 to 3 cups a day of raw spinach, kale and  arugula. In salads or in smoothies, they are high in fiber, vitamin C, folates, magnesium and potassium, but why I love them and include them daily in my diet is because of their nitrates content that protect the heart and help relax the blood vessels and increase blood flow not only to the heart but EVERYWHERE in the body. If you didn’t get the idea, I’ll say it again – eat greens or take the blue pill…

Legumes and whole grains

High in fiber, vitamins and minerals, they lower cholesterol, keep your gut healthy and I use them as my main source of protein and starch.


When I have aches and pains from work I take 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric in my tea and I can just feel my inflamation going away. Yes it is a powerful antiinflamatory food, the rest doesn’t even matter.


Keeps away vampires and girls. But it is a very potent antibacterial and antifungal and it tastes good when you cook with it. And some studies show that it attacks cancer cells(making them “commit suicide” which is called apoptosis) while leaving the healthy cells unaltered. Pretty cool, right?

Cruciferous Veggies

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and that kind of stiky veggies that I don’t like that much. They have cancer fighting compounds, regulate estrogen balance and, reduce inflamation and regulate blood sugar. Some of the most amazing foods on the planet and so, from a nutritional perspective I love them.


Regular ones are high in pesticides so choose organic. They are full of antioxidants( anthocyanins)and tend to keep me young even when some extra beers over the weekend try to make me old and wrinkly. Elagic acid contained in them is a cancer fighting compound. The good thing is that they have all these benefits and they don’t taste like crap(like other foods do), so you gotta love berries, they are the best!

Green Tea Nutraphoria

About the Author

Catalin Manea

Holistic and Sports Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Coach Vegan Weight Loss

Pitt Meadows

My name is Catalin”Cat” Manea also known as The Veggienator. I am a Holistic Health Coach and I also have a Bachelor’s Degree In Physical...

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