My own journey with health and nutrition led me through many hard times; struggles with disordered eating, gut health issues, lack of basic nutrition, and aggravated depression. After therapists, medications, lots of self reflection I came to the epiphany that FOOD was the basis of my whole life and therefore a strong foundation for all my problems. From that moment on I began a long and ongoing journey to heal myself, starting with food. One sleepless night and hours of research later I had learned so much about the link between nutrition and everything in our lives. I worked out a few small places to start healing myself from and dove right in. I found a passion for fresh whole foods, simple yet nutritious meals, occasional treats to feed the soul, and fitness. Once I began to feed my body the proper fuel it needed I found energy I never knew was possible. This energy found a way to bring me to yoga for my soul and running for my mind. The balance of health and fitness was starting to take shape. Its an ongoing journey that is ever changing as my life and needs change but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now I want to help heal others and spread the knowledge I am gaining on this ever exciting journey.