Fermented Cucumbers

December 6, 2018

Fermented Cucumbers

Recently I took a class on making fermented foods and I loved it! There are so many options when it comes to fermenting. By applying a few principles, you can create anything your imagination can dream up. My family enjoys the cucumbers because they taste just like pickles, and they have the hidden benefits of probiotics! Cabbage, beets and salsa are also great options; they all follow the same concept, just need to adjust the amount of time allowed in the fermentation stage.

Start by chopping the cucumber into a glass jar. You can choose to peel it prior or just scrub it really well to remove any sprays or waxes that might be on the surface. Once that’s done, you can add your flavour and tannins. I like to use garlic and dill in the cucumber but I have also used ginger, cumin, and caraway seed to add some variety! In this batch I used thyme leaf as my source of tannins. Tannins are polyphenols that work as an antioxidant to protect the veggies during the fermentation process, as well as add to the nutritional value of the dish.

Once you have your ingredients mixed together you can add your salt bath. This is what keeps the good bacteria in and the bad bacteria out. I add a couple of tablespoons of Himalayan salt to the veggie mixture to draw out some of the natural juices, then I add the salt bath (1 tbsp Himalayan Salt in 4 cups of water) to ensure everything completely is submerged. Cover the jar with a tight weave cloth to allow the process to breath, then set it aside and wait!

Usually the fermentation process takes about seven to ten days at room temperature. I make sure none of the veggies are touching the surface of the water as this could create an opportunity for mold to grow. It is the lack of oxygen and the sea salt barrier that keeps your ferment safe. Bubbles forming on the top and a vinegar type smell are fine; these signify the batch is doing what it is supposed to. Once you like the flavor, put the mixture in a jar in your fridge. It will keep this way for about three months. Enjoy!


  • 5 cups veggies
  • 2 tbsp garlic
  • 1 tbsp dill
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • 3 tbsp Himalayan Sea Salt
  • Brine (4 cups water, 1 tbsp sea salt), fill to 1 inch above the level of the veggies

Note: you can weigh your veggies down to keep them from floating to the surface of the brine.

Fermented Cucumbers Nutraphoria

About the Author

Amanda Gefle

Integrative Preventative Care

Red Deer

My goal is simple… to make a healthy lifestyle obtainable, practical and above all, enjoyable! After working as a Registered Nurse for almost a decade...

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