
Jessilyn McCash

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Coach Nutrition and Health Coach Nutrition Coach

Jessilyn is an energetic, caring, free spirited & happy soul!

She grew up in a home where following your dreams was always at the forefront and she was blessed to have loving parents who always encouraged her to do what made her happy.  

In her teens and twenties, Jessilyn’s competitive nature and type A personality struggled constantly with her creative, caring and easy going side, and won out for many years. She began her career as a Registered Nurse working the in the ER, as a dental anesthesia nurse and in a family practice which gave her tremendous knowledge in the way the body works. In her thirties she became a Certified Yoga Teacher to help understand the connection between the mind, body and spirit. Lastly, getting certified as a Holistic Nutrition Coach at Nutraphoria, she felt that her purpose in life was finally in balance! She has been lucky enough now to have found many ways, through trial and error, to balance her Ying and Yang and use all her education to build a life and a business that she is proud to call her own. 

Jessilyn’s love of living a holistic, simple, creative and balanced life, is what gave her the courage to build Balanced Bloom. She understands that life gets in the way sometimes and when the s#!t hits the fan, being educated and having a supportive community is necessary to be able to Build your Balance or get Back 2 Balance.

We put the focus on making Lifestyle changes, as opposed to quick fixes and instant gratification.”

Balanced Bloom - some_days

With the help of her supportive and talented husband Mark, and inspiration from her beautiful and amazing boys Rhys and Chase, she created Balanced Bloom as a way to help Educate, Empower and Inspire people just like her, who struggle with finding their true self and maintaining balance every day.

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Mark and Jessilyn also decided after a lot of soul searching and a long discussion that it was finally time to start making changes. In the Spring of 2015 they decided that after many years of working their a$$es off, abiding by societal norms and rules, thinking it would make them happy to make more money and have more stuff, that none of it was working for them. So they began to to make a plan and figure out how to stop living the daily Monday to Friday 9-5 grind and leave the rat race behind.

You can follow them on their 8 month long EPIC adventure around the world, where they have decided to stop “Keeping up with the Joneses” and start “Living like the McCashes!”

Jessilyn loves life, and has a passion for travel, warm weather, nature, reading, writing, meditation and yoga. She is also an animal lover, and has an adorable pug Bruiser and friendly & snuggly cat Asia that she adores.

Please join Jessilyn on her ever evolving journey to: educate yourself, as we are all perpetual students of life; Empower yourself, to live your unique life to its fullest potential; and, Inspire those around you to do the same.

Thank you, have a Beautiful and Balanced Day! Namaste!


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