Hi, and welcome to my nutrition blog. I am a NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Coach program student.
I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. A lovely small city near the ocean where there are lots of trails and outdoor activities to be found. Halifax has excellent restaurants and pubs and is the home of several universities.
I have always been very interested in nutrition and how what we eat impacts how we feel, think, and learn. Not having narrowed down a specific area of practice, I have a couple from my personal experience in which I am interested. First, I have severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, which started when my husband became ill with colon cancer. Second, I have a close friend whose family is riddled with ADHD and fibromyalgia. Third, I spent several years working with seniors, and I am now working with persons with intellectual disabilities.
I have felt that conditions related to these are related to diet. I have found through my reading that they indeed are. I am eager to keep learning to help people and families live healthier lives.