November 14, 2016
Fight back against cold and flu season
It’s that time of year again and people are getting sick all around me. I try to be conscious of my body when it is getting sick or feeling extra sluggish and start taking extra supplements. There are many different nutrients, herbs, and areas of our diet we can look at to help us fight back against cold and flu season.
Immune System Boosters:
- Vitamin A, C & E
- Zinc
- Selnium
- Arabinogalactan
- Lactofferrin
- Lysine
- Orango-germanium
- Aloe Vera
- Astragalus
- Boswellia
- Echinacea
- Garlic
- Goldenseal
- Licorice
- Lomatium
- Maitake Mushroom
- Marigold
- Oregon grape
- Pokeroot
- Redroot
- Reishi mushroom
- Shiitake mushroom
- John’s wort
With the supplements and a healthy diet; there are a few additional, critical components to keep up:
- Water – helps flush out impurities
- Fiber – helps clear colon toxins
- Adequate Protein – helps keep our red blood cells healthy. All the vital parts of our bodies are made of protein.
- Essential Fatty Acids – acts as an anti-inflammatory (nuts, seeds, vegetable oils)
Suggested nutrient combo for combating that cold: Vitamin A 25,000 to 50,000 IU for a few days, Vitamin C 4 to 8 grams, zinc 50 to 100 mg. Also add in some garlic (natural antibiotic) and goldenseal (helps clear waste through the liver). When you are feeling better add ginseng root (rebuild energy), Licorice Root (stress-related problems).
One last key point is to Keep Moving!! Muscle activity moves around the lymph fluid which removes the foreign cells and proteins and eventually dumps them back into the blood to be broken down and eliminated. The lymphatic system has NO PUMP, you are the pump, so get moving. Being a couch potatoes increases the risk of infections. Exercise is needed to maintain a healthy immune system.
Many of these components can be used day in and day out as part of a healthy lifestyle. Eating a well-balanced diet, with an optimistic attitude, taking care of our entire bodies inside and out and including relaxation daily; you will find you are healthier and full of energy with less down time fighting off various infections and disease.