Is your smoothie habit causing your body to store FAT?

 Is your smoothie habit causing you to gain weight?

Most smoothies & fruit juices (even the all natural kinds) are nothing more than concentrated sugar, they cause rapid spikes in blood glucose and ultimately cause your body to store EXCESS FAT! To learn more about how to make a well balance smoothie read the full article below.

November 24, 2016

The truth is most smoothies are nothing more than concentrated sugar (think your go to at booster juice), even the ones you make at home with 100% real fruit. Don’t get me wrong fruit is great, it is full of fibre, phytochemicals and nutrients that nourish your body, however they also contain natural sugars. When you are eating  whole fruit your serving size generally be 1 -2 servings at a time, but when you are making a smoothie it is much easier to over indulge by adding tons of fruit to your smoothie (4-5 servings of fruit), the same thing goes for 100% real fruit juice.

It’s much easier to consume 3 -4 oranges in the form of juice than 3-4 whole oranges in one sitting.  Now you’re thinking, it’s natural so it’s okay right? The problem is your body does not know the difference between eating a ton of fruit or a ton of candy. When you consume large amounts of sugar it hits your blood stream quickly, causing a rapid spike in your blood sugar levels, which causes your body to secrete insulin and store fat. Shortly after it causes your blood sugar levels to crash, causing your body to crave more sugar. If you give in to that craving the cycle repeats itself, it also causes you to feel hungry, tired and crave caffeine and even more sugar to make it through the day.

However when you make them right they can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. I love smoothies and drink them regularly, they are a great source of fruits, vegetables, vitamins, phytochemicals, fibre, healthy fats, and proteins. The key to making a great smoothie is balance.  Your smoothie has to contain enough protein, (healthy) fats and fibre to slow absorption and prevent a rapid spike in blood sugar. Focus on making your smoothie as nutrient dense as possible.

To make a nutrient dense super smoothie:

Start with a base:  Use low fat milk, unsweetened almond milk or water. About 1 cup, you may add more or less depending on your preference for texture.

Add Fiber: Add one tablespoon of ground flax seed or psyllium husk

Add Protein: Add 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder (watch for sugar content in your protein)

Add your heathy fats:  Add ¼ cup avocado, or 1 teaspoon hemp hearts or natural peanut butter.

Add your fruit: 1- 2 Servings of whole fruit(Berries are a great source of antioxidants, but you can choose any fruit that you like)

Add your greens: Add 1 – 2 cups of greens, spinach, kale etc.

Mix in a blender & Enjoy!

About the Author

Sarah Eberlin

Childhood Nutrition, Post & Pre Natal Currently enrolled in CHNC program Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Weight Loss

Keswick Toronto Vaughan

Poor nutrition is the cause of wide spread disease and growing obesity rates. As a mother myself I know how challenging it can be to...

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