Tamara Schlueter

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Family Meals Family Nutrition Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Fitness/Health Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Coach Holistic Nutritionist Hormone Balancing Personal Trainer Sports and nutrition Womens Weight Loss and Wellness Cayuga

I have been teaching Yoga for 16 years, I’m a wife to an amazing and the most supportive man, and a mother of two beautiful daughters. My journey with holistic nutrition actually began back in 2005 when I first found out I was pregnant! I wanted to nourish my body and my growing baby through healthy eating and proper exercise. Since then I have taken a natural approach to everything from food, cleaning supplies, Western medicine vs Eastern Medicine. I have an equal balance when it comes to mine and my family’s healthcare. If we can treat it naturally that’s the way we go, but when an ailment comes up that needs medical attention then that’s the route we take, we need that balance between Holistic Therapy and Science.
When we were hit with the Pandemic I took the leap and joined Nutraphoria and began my journey to become a Holistic Nutritionist. I wanted to share my knowledge and lend my support to others in need, my view on health and wellness has always been about how to heal and treat ourselves by what we put into our bodies, our environment and how it affects us physically and emotionally.

When we begin to look at the body as a whole and not just our symptoms, only then we can begin to heal ourselves from within through proper nutrition and natural supplements.

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