Period Panacea: Holistic Tips for That Time of Month

December 14, 2016

Your menstrual cycle has crept up on you again and suddenly you’re irritable, hungry and bloated. Before you grab that bottle of Midol to make it all go away, here are a few tips to help you ease into your menstrual cycle naturally while nourishing yourself at the same time.

BE PREPARED: I used a handy little app on my phone that tracks my time of month. The home screen is a monthly calendar and you log when you period starts, how many days it lasts, and the day it ends.

You can even add additional information for each day like your mood, your weight and your flow level plus any extra notes. Based on what you tell it, it lets you know when your next cycle will be starting and even when you’re set to ovulate – giving you a much-appreciated heads up as to when you’re fertile – plus a countdown to the start of your next period. If you’re a few days early or late, punch that in and it adjusts your cycle and ovulation times.

Not only do you know precisely when to expect your little friend to come along, but when your doctor next asks when your last period was, you will be able to whip out your phone and give them that exact information and more instead of sheepishly shrugging your shoulders.

The app I use is My Cycles but there are many more to choose from. Just find one with a style you like and you’ll be amazed at how helpful it is and how much you learn.

STOCK UP: The next time you’re unable to have a normal conversation without snapping at someone, you can check to see if your period is on its way, and if it is, it’s time to get ready and get your supplies.

GO ORGANIC: First and foremost, if you haven’t already ditched plastic applicator tubes, bleached cotton tampons, and plastic pads, now is the time. Any effort on your part to eat healthy is totally getting undermined if you are continuing to use conventional feminine hygiene products. Not only is the plastic toxic for the environment (plastic applicator tubes wash up on beaches!) but these products are toxic to your body.

According to the Canadian Women’s Health Network (, toxic ingredients found in tampons today include aluminum, alcohols, fragrance additives and hydrocarbons. And the pads are no better. That these products, which women place next to their skin and inside their reproductive system, are still legal is unbelievable. You’ll pay more for organic cotton tampons and pads, and you will probably have to visit a health store to find them, but the long-term health benefits are worth it.

That said, there’s an even more sustainable option – healthy for both you and the planet – that’s even cheaper than conventional products and that’s The Diva Cup. It’s a one-time purchase of about $40 that, with proper care, can last up to 10 years! It can be a little tricky to learn to use, but it’s so worth the effort once you experience the zero-waste/zero-cost freedom it has to offer.

Whatever non-toxic hygiene method you choose, you’ve still got to hit the grocery store where you’re going to buy the following: organic coffee beans, bananas, oats, nuts or nut butter, oranges, dark chocolate, leafy greens, and some organic lean protein if you’re eating meat, or some organic tempeh or lentils if you’re not.

Now you can relax. You’re ready to meet that first cramp or wave of nausea when it hits, and here’s why:

COFFEE: Coffee (organic fair trade is the only healthy, non-toxic mold-free choice) is great for periods because it helps dissipate the lethargy that can come over you, plus it’s an antioxidant, so drink up (there’s a reason why Midol has caffeine as an ingredient).

Personally, I recommend butter coffee, nowadays more commonly known as “bulletproof coffee”. If you don’t consume dairy, drop 1-2 tbsp of organic coconut oil into a blender, add your brewed coffee and blend it on high speed. Otherwise, use organic grass-fed butter (you won’t get any of the health benefits if you use conventional butter) or opt for “bulletproof” and add 1 tbsp of MCT oil and 1 tbps of butter or coconut oil for every cup of coffee.

The result is a delicious creamy, latte-like drink that will soothe your gut and give you energy for hours without crashing or jitters. Plus, feeding your body high quality fats while on your period will stabilize your blood sugar and stave off cravings for junk food. But if coffee doesn’t appeal to you, soothing herbal and green teas are the way to go.

OATS: A filling bowl of cooked rolled oats, with some banana and nut butter stirred in, can do wonders for that feeling of “blah”. The whole grains will help you feel satiated (the perfect comfort food!), and oats are an excellent source of magnesium, which helps to reduce muscle tension, and B-vitamins that have been shown to fight fatigue and depression.

NUT BUTTER/NUTS: The protein in the nuts will keep you full for longer plus their healthy fat and fiber will continue to ward off any strong cravings for sugar and processed foods.

BANANAS: Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, which can reduce water retention and bloating while also keeping you regular (very important during a period!).

ORANGES: Oranges pack a punch when it comes to calcium and vitamin D, making them the perfect snack food for menstruation. Calcium reduces depressive and anxious feelings in the brain while vitamin D regulates the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin, the neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood.

DARK CHOCOLATE: If you do succumb to one craving, make it dark chocolate and reap the benefits of this superfood while in menstruating mode. Dark chocolate will satisfy your chocolate craving, help relax your muscles, and keep you happy – plus, you deserve it!

PROTEIN: Whether it’s tempeh with rice, or wild salmon, or grass-fed beef, make sure you get your lean protein to give you energy plus it’s essential for your diet, made even more essential during menstruation as your body loses key vitamins and minerals, like iron.

LEAFY GREENS: An excellent source of iron that pairs perfectly with your protein. The high fiber content of leafy greens will also help any digestive issues. Lightly sauté in coconut oil or grass-fed butter.

Last but not least….

WATER: Drink water. Lots and lots of water.

EXERCISE: Don’t push it but light exercise to get you moving, like low-key yoga, an easy bike ride, or walking, will alleviate any symptoms by reducing the congestion in your pelvic area while increasing the endorphins in your system, resulting in a higher level of relaxation.

TLC: Your body is going through a lot so carve out time in your busy schedule to pamper yourself. Either relax on the couch with a hot water bottle and your feet up, or in a hot bath with Epson salts. Light a few candles, play your favourite music, and enjoy!

Follow these tips and Mother Nature’s monthly visit might just become an experience you actually look forward to.





About the Author

Nicole Erika Trigg

Detoxification Holistic Health Coach Nutrition Coach Plant based nutrition Sports and Plant Based Nutrition Sports Nutrition and Longevity Vegan Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition Weight Loss Womens Weight Loss and Wellness

Banff Canmore Cranbrook Invermere Kimberley

A holistic nutrition and health coach-in-training with the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition, Nicole is also a certified yoga teacher and professional journalist with a...

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