October 17, 2017
Many of us don’t take the time in the morning to begin our busy day with good nutritional choices. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so always include healthy foods that will benefit you the most. Consuming a meal rich in protein and high in fiber will give your body a boost of energy, stabilize blood sugar, improve your focus and concentration. By passing up breakfast, chances are snacking on unhealthy foods will be your go-to’s throughout the day. After waking, it’s important to eat within 1-2 hours, creating a simple breakfast that is easy to digest.
Waking Up To A Healthy Breakfast
- Drink a warm glass of water with the juice of a half fresh lemon. This will help to hydrate and alkalize your body, flush the liver, will aid in digestion, and includes vitamin C.
- 20-30 minutes before breakfast, enjoy a serving of fruit as it offers antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, fiber and is also another great way to hydrate your body. Different types of fruit can be eaten together, but melon should be eaten on its own.
- Lean protein such as an egg will keep you feeling fuller longer. One egg provides approximately 6 grams of protein and 79 calories, is high in vitamin D, protein, and other vitamins and minerals. Eggs are a very versatile food when including them in your diet, try a poached egg on whole grain toast with some avocado or a veggie omelette with choices of asparagus, garlic, onion, peppers, parsley or spinach.
- Vegetables provide multiple vitamins and minerals, are generally low in calories, and are high in dietary fiber.
- Avocados are high in omega-3’s, vitamin D, and provide 7 grams of fiber. The recommended intake of fiber per day is 21-38 grams. This fruit will benefit heart health as it helps lower bad cholesterol and to raise the good. If you consume vegetables with your avocado, it will increase the antioxidants your body takes in.
- Complex carbs can be a good choice for breakfast as well, including foods like whole grain breads and cereals such as steel-cut oats (rolled or quick oats are lower in fiber and digest quicker). These foods contain vitamins and minerals and are high in fiber, which will aid in digestion and will help you to feel fuller longer. Sometimes hot cereals alone can be dull, so try adding some cinnamon, a little raw honey, stevia or maple syrup, chia or hemp seeds, almonds, or nonfat greek yogurt.
- Cinnamon can reduce blood sugar levels by up to 29% with using just a half teaspoon.
- Chia seeds are very high in protein, fiber, omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid and antioxidants and will provide an energy boost. By adding these seeds to your food it will help slow the process by which carbohydrates are converted into sugar.
- Hemp seeds offer a balanced ratio of omega 3’s and 6’s, contain vitamin E, and are a great source of protein. Concentrated hemp seed contains 50% protein, whereas ground hemp seed has 30%.
- Nonfat plain greek yogurt has a creamy thick consistency and contains double the protein than regular yogurt does, it is high in calcium and delivers probiotics for the maintenance of a healthy gut. Choose plain yogurt rather than those with fruit as these are loaded with sugar, always add your own fruit with a little stevia or raw honey to sweeten if needed, sprinkle with cinnamon, hemp seed or chia seeds as well. One cup contains approximately 140 calories, 25 grams of protein, and has a lower lactose content. Try to keep your protein intake around 30% of total calories if you’re active, or 20-25% if you’re not.
- Nut butters like almond butter or peanut butter are a good source of protein which will help to regulate blood sugar. When choosing a nut butter look for those that have only “peanuts” or “almonds” as the ingredients listed, with a little salt. Others can have high sugars and hydrogenated oils included which makes these butters an unhealthy choice. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contains 8 grams of protein. Spread some on a slice of whole grain toast to make a complete protein or enjoy with some apple slices.
- Smoothies these days are the rave for a quick morning meal. Avoid grabbing one from a juice bar and blend one yourself with a nonfat plain greek yogurt base, and then add a small serving of fruit like 1/2 banana, berries or mango, spinach or other greens, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon or turmeric with a dash of pepper, hemp or chia seeds, water, coconut water or almond milk for liquid. Coconut oil can also be melted and slowly added when blending your smoothie. When choosing fruits, try to include those that are low glycemic, and include fats and proteins to slow down the sugar absorption.
- Turmeric, a fat-soluble spice, is an anti-inflammatory, high in iron, is an antioxidant, and aids with digestion, the health benefits of this brightly colored spice is quite lengthy! By adding a dash of pepper it will increase the absorption of the turmeric.
- Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat with a multitude of benefits for our body. It provides energy and increases metabolism, promotes weight loss, supports thyroid function, rejuvenates skin, improves digestion, has antiviral properties, and is good for your heart. Be sure to look for coconut oil that is virgin, organic, unrefined and cold pressed and has the taste and smell of coconuts.
- Try to avoid boxed cereals that are high in sugar, pancakes or french toast drizzled with syrup, white bread or bagels with cream cheese, and granola bars as these all are high in sweeteners and will spike blood sugar levels and leave you feeling tired. They are low in fiber and nutrients.
- If you choose to eat any of these foods, include those made with whole grains, use maple syrup rather than regular, and replace cream cheese with nut butters.
- Store bought granola can contain high contents of sugar and fats. Be creative at home and use whole grain oats, nuts, seeds, cinnamon or other spices, and some raw honey or maple syrup to sweeten, and always have it available to add to your yogurt.
- Bacon, ham, and sausage contain nitrates that can be cancer causing. If you can’t give any of these meats up then try to eat foods at the same time that are high in vitamins C and E for antioxidants, or by taking 500-1000 mg of vitamin C when you eat.
- By skipping breakfast we increase our risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure. So throughout the day strive to eat every 4 hours as this will keep your blood sugar balanced and result with a happier you!