Water – Our Life Force

September 30, 2017

Water – Our Life Force

We need water every day to survive yet it’s something that most of us probably take for granted. ‘Anything that nourishes can heal, but among all nutrients – perhaps all substances of any kind – water is unsurpassed in it’s ability to heal.’ Water is fundamental to life from the food we eat, to the clothes we wear to the air we breathe, water is in the process and is required for countless things outside of humans consuming enough water on a daily basis.

Our planet is at a crossroads, there has been continued dumping of chemicals, wastes, toxins that are continuing to poison our water sources. As the world continues to ‘develop’ it is our natural habitats, our rivers, streams, lakes and oceans that are suffering. Mass consumption of foods such as beef requires huge amounts of water to raise the livestock, grow crops, etc. Our planet is suffering and it is necessary for our leaders to respond immediately.

With all this contamination going on in the world, how can we know that our drinking water is safe? It is now becoming essential for all to purify our drinking water, and with that there are many different options. One of the best options, that is most cost effective while being one of the better products to remove contaminants and bacteria is the solid carbon filtration system. Reverse osmosis and distilled water is another good option, although distilled water should not be consumed on a regular basis because it can potentially create mineral depletion in the body.  An important point to note is that bottled water is often an overpriced version of tap water, and in many cases may not even be as good of quality as tap water filtered at home.

It is important for each person to recognize that with all the contamination of food and the environment happening today, water filtration is a must and it is up to each of us to discover and learn which system works best and is most cost appropriate. We all have a responsibility to demand of companies and government that our water be protected and that we ensure generations to come will also enjoy the beauty of this world and natural, fresh, clean water – our life force.

About the Author

Jamie Kopp

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Fitness/Health Food as Medicine General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit

British Columbia Vancouver

    Jamie is currently completing her holistic nutrition coaching certificate through the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition, and is a social advocate in local...

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