Top 5 Tips for Getting Started on a Plant Based Lifestyle

May 10, 2017

Starting new things is hard, whether it be a new workout plan, a new job, or a new diet. We always start off very strong, but after a few days these new habits die hard.

5 Tips for a Plant based Lifestyle! 

This is a lifestyle, not a diet – Probably one of the biggest reasons why people fall off the wagon with healthy eating is because they have a temporary mindset about it. You cannot expect all of the benefits that come with a plant based diet to happen over the course of a few weeks. This is not a diet, this is an entire lifestyle change. You need to accept that the way you lived before, all those foods you used to enjoy are a thing of the past.  Mentally accepting that your life is about to change is always going to be the first step for success. You need to jump in with both feet and without any hesitation.

Do your research – Although learning along the journey is something that will inevitably happen, it is always best to do all your research before you begin making changes. It’s not an easy world out there, average restaurants only have two or three things on the menu that you are able to eat. Grocery shopping is going to take much longer than it used to. And people are suddenly going to be very interested in your food intake and nutrition, asking questions like “Where do you get your protein?”  You need to be prepared to answer all of these questions and handle these situations long before you are thrown into them. Luckily though, we have the internet filled with all the information you may need to give you the tools to answer all these questions.

Set realistic food goals – Starting a new diet, people often fill their shopping carts with ingredients they have never heard of in the hopes of making all new recipes to kickstart their new lifestyle. But if you didn’t have time to cook dinner before going plant based, what makes you think you are going to have time now? I find it so funny when people who have never cooked dinner before are all of a sudden trying to concoct these outrageous meals. No wonder they fall off the wagon! Be realistic when you first start out, eat familiar foods. Stick with things you know you already like, even if that means eating rice and beans for a few weeks. Nothing is more discouraging than attempting to make a cashew alfredo sauce and ending up ordering Dominos.

Meal prep – I cannot emphasize this one enough. Everyone is busy, everyone is always running around doing a million things between work and school and families, sometimes you need to grab food on the go. I would recommend batch cooking a bunch of different grains and legumes in the beginning of the week. These are great wrapped up in tortillas, to top on salads, or even just in a big bowl with some salsa. Chop up your veggies after you bring them back from the food store. When you make a recipe, double it and freeze half. The crockpot is your friend. All of these things will not only save you time, but they will save you money and they will definitely make your life a lot easier.

Find like minded people – Doing this is going to take will power, but it is a lot easier if you have people that are going through the journey with you. Social media is a great way to find people who are also plant based, Whole Foods hosts events, there are VegFests in most states, some local restaurants may hold cooking classes and events where you can meet people. You can also enlist the help of a health and nutrition coach for guidance and a listening ear.

As long as you stay true to your desire to go on this journey for your nutrition and health, you will be successful. There will be times when it gets hard, there will be times where you have to go to a restaurant and eat a side of broccoli, but trust me, in the long run this is the best decision for yourself, your health and your happiness.

About the Author

Nicole Capone

General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Plant based nutrition Vegan Vegetarian and Plant-Based Nutrition

New Jersey

Nicole Capone, the founder of Life on the Veg is a recent graduate of Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition. As a certified Holistic Health and...

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