3 Ingredient Kale Chips

December 13, 2016

Happy weekend!

It is a chilly, rainy, fall kind of day, and all I’m feeling right now is some Netflix, a heated blanket and something salty.

Enter: Kale chips. Ever tried ’em?

Kale Chips 4

A few reasons I think they’re awesome:

1. Green things are good for you.
2. There aren’t 13876 ingredients.
3. They taste like delicious, crisp, salty heaven.

Think I’m kidding? For real. Try them!

You only need 3 ingredients, but once you try them this way, you can always come up with new, creative ideas for seasoning them! Sweet, salty, ‘cheezy’, the sky’s the limit. And if you’re avoiding salt, I assure you they taste good without it, too!

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You still with me?

Take your kale leaves, and remove the big, thick stem from the middle. I tear the leaf part into bite-sized pieces, but you don’t need to get too fancy with this. I can assure you that no matter how they look, they’re still going to be delicious.

Give ’em a good wash.

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Dry them well with a salad spinner and/or paper towel.

This step is SUPER important, because if your kale is too wet, it’ll steam instead of getting that yummy crisp you’re looking for.

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Spread them out as evenly as you can on a big baking sheet. 

Toss/spray lightly with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt (a little of both goes a LONG way!).

Bake at about 350 degrees and check every 4-6 minutes (They cook fast, so be sure to keep an eye on them!).

Every oven is different, but for mine, I typically cook them for about 6 minutes, then gently move them around a bit with tongs, and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

You are left with savoury, salty, crisp perfection!

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Oh, and of course, the final step:

Climb under a blanket, turn on your favourite Netflix series, and devour. 😉

Kale chips 1


Have you ever tried kale chips? I’d love to hear what you think of them in the comments below!

About the Author

Michelle McIsaac

Holistic Nutrition


I’m a mother, blogger, host of GROWradio, the Podcast, registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and mentor for online practitioners, here to help you recognize your potential...

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