3 Stress Busting Nutrients and Foods

January 5, 2017

Christmas has come and gone, but the stress remains?

If you are balancing the demands of family and work, going to work and coming home in the dark, and struggling to enjoy your local weather – your body is likely experiencing stress.

Some stress may be beneficial to motivate us, this is known as eustress, however; ongoing stress or distress may eventually deplete us, making us prone to illness, weight gain and feelings of anxiety or melancholy.

Nourishing our bodies with wholesome food can assist in coping with stress and prevent us from getting sick or experiencing feelings of sadness and angst.  I suggest we consume plenty of the top 3 nutrients and foods that will help us protect, nourish and relax the body.

  1. Vitamin C supports adrenal gland functioning and may reduce blood-cortisol levels. During times of stress our adrenal glands secrete cortisol, but prolonged elevated levels of cortisol may cause insomnia, belly fat storage and frequent colds. Vitamin C helps to nourish, repair and restore the adrenal glands. We know citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, but so are kale, broccoli, sweet peppers, pineapples, cantaloupe and berries (fresh or frozen). Throw a large handful of kale and ½ cup of blueberries into a smoothie to bump up your vitamin C intake.
  2. The B vitamins work synergistically in the body to help ease stress and anxiety, aid in the creation of the sleep hormone melatonin and the mood hormone serotonin and a bonus – they aid in memory. Foods rich in B vitamins include leafy green vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, black beans, wild salmon, red meat, nuts and seeds.
  3. Magnesium may be thought of as our body’s most potent anti-stress mineral. Stress depletes this important mineral causing our nerve cells to more excitable, making us extra sensitive and nervous than usual even once we are away from the stressor. We may also experience cramping, twitching or painful muscle contractions. Great sources of magnesium include pumpkin seeds, avocado, leafy greens, sesame seeds, black beans, quinoa, cashews, almonds and sunflower seeds.

Another great way to relax and restore balance is to have warm bath with Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) and a few drops of pure lavender essential oil.   


Health and Happiness,






About the Author

Lisa Henderson

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