4 Reasons To Go Non-GMO

February 6, 2019

Do you want to have increased energy, mental clarity, and better sleep? Chances are you’ve answered yes to all of these questions. What person doesn’t want better sleep!? I’m sure we’ve all experienced feeling slow, depressed, and mentally foggy at some point in your life. It’s not fun. After eating a large meal of processed high-calorie foods I always want to crawl into bed and not do anything at all. A food coma at it’s finest. It’s not a great feeling, but after incorporating healthy balanced meals I’m full of energy and life. Now that’s a great feeling! A while ago I tried implementing healthier food choices into my diet. I found that when I ate foods that were “Certified Organic” or “Non-GMO” I felt a lot better. I did some research on it and the results were astounding. The health risks that are involved by consuming GM foods is crazy and can be very dangerous. Increased allergies, mood changes, obesity, and fatigue. The list goes on. Just by paying that extra dollar I felt better then I had felt in years. It’s something I recommend everyone try to cut out, even just a bit at a time.

4 Reasons To Go Non-GMO

No Toxic Chemicals or Pesticides

You are free from any unknown substances companies like Monsanto’s will push on you. Substances like glyphosate can cause many problems I listed above and others like an increased risk of cancer, as well as reproductive issues.

Clearer Skin

Having a healthy body starts from the inside out. When you eat Non-GMO foods you might find your skin will look a lot more radiant and look much clearer. Changing your eating habits is the first step to better skin. You also need to look at the products you are using on your face and body. “Non-GMO” or “Certified Organic” skincare products do exist and are very beneficial to help prevent acne or skin issues and maintain a better complexion. If you are eating well but using the very chemicals you are trying to avoid counteracts what you are wanting to accomplish. Your skin will absorb the harsh chemicals you are wanting to escape from.

Weight Loss 

Eating non-GMO foods is shown to increase weight loss. When you eat GM foods you actually take in a higher amount of calories and less than half of the nutrients then Certified Organic non-GMO foods. When eating GM foods it can put stress on your liver and digestive tract which can make it harder to digest foods and take out nutritious content. By putting in whole nutritious foods with no additives your body knows what to process and therefore makes it a lot easier to digest. Our bodies were designed to consume whole foods, not chemicals!

Mental Clarity 

Your brain needs fuel to run off of. Food is fuel. It powers your whole body. When our body doesn’t get the right source of fuel it starts to shut down and we can experience a foggy brain and a slow response system. Our body is a temple and we need to treat it right. By ingesting foods that are free from chemicals it makes it easy to process into fuel which helps us run better. When our body runs better our thoughts will become more clear and our mental fog that we have will soon diminish.


About the Author

Sarah Queen

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