5 Benifits of Apple Cider Vinegar

February 28, 2018

For centuries people have been using apple cider vinegar for medicine, treatments and food purposes. Apple Cider vinegar (ACV) is made from apple cider that has undergone fermentation. Using apple cider vinegar in your daily life has many benefits….


ACV contains microbial and antibacterial properties. Drinking ACV daily helps flush harmful toxins from the body.

Balances Blood Sugar

ACV has acetic acid, which helps balance blood sugar levels and improve diabetes.

Fights Allergies

ACV not only fights allergies, it also boosts your immune system. It aids in breaking up mucus and supports lymphatic drainage.

Household Cleaner

ACV has natural antibacterial properties. Using a 50/50 ratio with water will give you a all natural house hold cleaner for any surface.

Good Gut Bacteria

Probiotics are a good gut bacteria. ACV is a good source of probiotics and a type of acid that promotes the growth of probiotics.

Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe


  • 1 Cup hot water
  • 2 Tbsp ACV
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey
  • Stir up and enjoy!

About the Author

Abby Frazer

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