5 Foods That Detox the Liver

December 7, 2016

5 Foods That Detox the Liver

The liver is the largest gland in the human body. Without a healthy liver the person cannot survive. The liver has many functions in order to keep our body clean from toxic substances. In today’s society we are constantly harming our bodies by eating processed foods, fried foods, breathing in toxic environmental pollutants and stress. This causes the liver to be overloaded therefore overworked.

We need to help clean our liver by reducing the amount of toxins we take in. Try not to become over stressed and to avoid any processed or fried foods that have absolutely no benefits to our body.

Here are a few of my favorite liver cleansing foods:

Garlic – although very pungent, garlic has many health benefits. It has many medicinal properties, one being that it helps cleanse the liver. Garlic is loaded with sulfur. This has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help flush out toxins out of the body. Garlic is also rich in two natural compounds that aid in liver detox- allicin and selenium.


Beets – beets or beetroots are very high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene. Beets can help stimulate and improve the liver function. Beets contain betalin pigments which supports the body to detoxify. The broken down toxins attach themselves to molecules where they are then excreted from the body. Beets aid in purifying the blood and liver.


Lemons – lemons and are very rich in vitamin C which helps stimulate the liver. The citric acid in lemons helps the body produce digestive juices and the process of digestion. Lemon juice aids in colon cleansing, eliminating daily toxins. Starting your day with freshly squeezed lemon juice in water is the perfect way to kick start your liver.


Cabbage – whether it’s green cabbage, red cabbage, napa cabbage, every variety of cabbage is great for detoxing your liver. Cabbage is rich in glucosinolate which activates detoxifying liver enzymes. Green cabbage contains more chlorophyll which strengthens the liver. So eating more green cabbage to your diet would be best.


Leafy greens – bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, kale, mustard greens and chicory are perfect to add to your diet. These dark leafy greens are extremely high in chlorophyll. These plants are powerful for detoxing your liver. These greens absorb all the environmental toxins out of the blood stream, increase bile flow production and neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides


These are just a few of many detoxing foods. I hope you will add these foods to your daily diet. It’s very simple to add these foods to your everyday meals, whether it’s a smoothie, soups a side meal or simply a salad. With the 5 foods I’ve mentioned above it will make a delicious and colorful salad. Eat up!

About the Author

Melissa Fazioli

Holistic Health Coach Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit

Laval Montreal

Hi, I am Melissa. Since i was a kid and throughout my teens i have struggled with my weight. I ate junk food everyday and it was...

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