5 Simple Strategies to Staying Healthy This Summer!

August 6, 2017

I love summer, fun, sun, backyard barbecues with friends, camping, beach days, the list goes on. Summer is always so busy, with so many fun things to do, our winters in Canada are usually long and cold depending where you live. Here on the west coast we have a ton of rain and grey skies, so once the blue skies start to appear I get re-energized and hit the ground running. It can be hard to have balanced eating with BBQ hamburgers and potato salads being offered, chips at the lake and a nice cold drink on the patio, not to mention the desire to go to the gym fades pretty easily for most.

For me, I need to remember a bit of balance and with a little preparation I can stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan and still have fun.

5 Simple Strategies to Staying Healthy This Summer!

Pre-plan your food

Summer makes it easy to eat fresh food. It is the time of year when there is an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, you know the ones that taste how they are suppose to taste. Local farmers markets are in full bloom, and grocery stores start carrying more local produce. Having blueberries, strawberries, carrots, snap peas, and home made hummus in the fridge which makes for a easy decision on what to bring on a picnic or just a snack. One of the biggest ways I see people sabotaging their diets is by not taking a little time to think a head when it comes to food. The saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!”

Healthy Alternatives

If you are hosting a barbecue make a fish or chicken burger instead of a beef one, and take it one step further by using lettuce for your bun, at least for yourself, I’m not sure uncle Bob would be so into that. Also try and stay away from unhealthy condiments like ketchup, bbq sauce and mayo, try fresh tomatoes or homemade salsa for your sweat and try heart healthy avocado for your creamy textures.

Play with the kids more!

Get moving, play catch, push them on the swing, go swimming, build a sand castle, not only will you get some much needed one on one time with the munchkins but you will burn calories in the process. If you don’t have kids, borrow one or even better just bring out your own inner child who still loves to play.

Avoid over consumption of alcohol

A cold beer or a bellini on the patio tastes so good on a hot day but the extra calories it packs on is not worth it if your goal is to stay healthy. Many studies have found a glass of red wine a day to have health benefits such as improving your cholesterol, it fights free radical damage with all its antioxidants and flavonoids. So choosing a light beer or a glass of wine would be the preferred choice, and if you have to have more, then try drinking a glass of water in between.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

It is so easy to become dehydrated on hot days. Often we mistake the feeling of being hungry when we are actually thirsty. Get yourself a cool new water bottle that will stay cold this summer and monitor your fluid intake. There are variables when it comes to how much water to drink, your age, that days temperature and a big one is your activity level, your water need increases with activity since you lose fluid in your sweat. The dietitians of Canada recommend women drink 9 cups of fluid a day and men drink 12 cups a day. Juice, tea, coffee all count but water is your best choice in my opinion. It’s free (if you plan ahead), it cleans out toxins, controls body temperature, aids digestion, keeps your bowels moving, cushions joints and helps you feel full.

So there you have it, 5 simple strategies to help you stay on track this summer. Have fun in the sun but don’t forget your sunscreen 🙂

Bonus Tip: 2 words BOOT CAMP! If you are looking to stay in shape this summer there are often several outdoor boot camps going on. It is a great way to meet other people and have a fun workout outside!

About the Author

Danielle Mooney

Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Coach Weight Loss

Parksville Qualicum Victoria

My name is Danielle, I am a 42yr. old mother and wife. I am a volunteer coach for special olympics and have been a health...

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