5 Steps to Creating a Healthy Habit

April 29, 2017

“Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going.” ~ Jim Rohn

If you are like me, you’ve set out on some pretty hefty ventures.

You’ve had splendid intentions, a rock-star attitude, all of the gear, and the newest gadgets to set you up for lasting, positive change! You are good to go! You are solid gold baby, and then just like dust in the wind, your lasting change has lasted a week! *insert sad face*

Did you know that you are just like everyone else? You aren’t a bad person.  You aren’t a slug.  You are actually part of the norm. Yes! What we fail to realize when our ‘guns are blazing’ is that there is a science to create change, in fact, it has been proven that there are steps you have to take in order to implement these new, lasting habits that you want to see take shape in your life.  I’m no expert, but I have come up with, over the years, (and many failed attempts), a few of my own. Here are my:


 DON’T GO BIG…SETTLE IN for the long haul!  Nothing comes instantly, and there is no such thing as a quick fix. Let’s use water as an example. We all know that we should be consuming 1-2 quarts of water a day, but it is unrealistic to think that we are going to consume that much at one time, especially if the only water our body knows is the water in our coffee mug. Set out to drink one glass of water when you wake, BEFORE your cup of java. Where soda is the problem, don’t cut it out entirely. Replace one soda with one glass of refreshing water and give yourself a pat on the back. Ease into it, knowing that every sip counts.

CHART IT!  Create a habit tracker.  This can be a fancy spreadsheet like my Husband would do, or a simple check mark on a cute calendar, as I would do! Over time, and slowly, you should see an increase in those checks. This will be our first visual of the change we are creating.  Often what we can see as progress, our brain will translate it to success. What happens when we achieve success, albeit small? We want MORE!

ACCOUNTABILITY TRIBE!  It’s true. We are wired to impress. In order to create the change you desire, it is heaps easier when we know that we have to check in with someone.  This being said, it is also a good time to filter through the people, places, and things that may be holding you back in your journey toward success. Choose a person you are ‘crushing’ on if you will. Have someone you want to emulate in your corner cheering you on. Surround yourself with ‘like-minded’ people. If it’s a change in your nutrition you are implementing you can’t hang out with your ‘burger and beer buds’. You’ll have to find your ‘kicking it with kale club.’ Make sense? Fantastic!

TOSS THE 21 DAY THEORY  Why do we put these markers up? Why are there timelines for success?  Don’t all roads lead to Rome? Keep it simple. Start where you are. Commit to a small change on day 1, increase, and repeat ONE DAY AT A TIME!  Everybody has different hurdles to overcome. We all lead busy lives. No two brains are wired the same. Some of us need a lot of time, coaching and mentoring. Some of us need to start over, and over, and over again. It’s all good. It took me 21 days to convince myself to write this blog post.  It would take me at least 21 YEARS to get in the habit of a daily jog! Definitely not a runner! Toss the theory that if you are struggling after 21 days, that you have failed, and on the flip side, that you are safe after 21 days.

CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS along the way, rather than worrying about the outcome!  This all goes back to step one, settling in! Embrace the process. You can enjoy the process of anything when you take the overwhelm out of the equation. When you have shown that you have consistently made it to the gym 5 days a week for 2 months, buy yourself that new pair of leggings. Everyone knows that new gym clothes will have you chomping at the bit to get back there!  When you have maintained good nutrition throughout the week, have that glass of vino with your ‘kale club’.  Whatever you do, look at how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go. Celebrate! Celebrate each milestone.

If you are motivated toward unleashing a happier, healthier version of  you, try these 5 simple steps to gain your posture.  All good things come with time, and lasting change is created through habit.  Give your mind and body time to adjust to the newness, and note the positive vibe that will radiate through you!

About the Author

Meghan Delaurier

Consulting Detoxification Developer Family Style Clean Eating on a Budget Fitness Nutrition General Nutrition General Nutrition and Meal Plans Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition (auto-immune & gut health) Holistic Nutrition Coach Nutrition Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Plant based nutrition Weight Loss Womens Weight Loss and Wellness


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