5 Tips to Enhance Your Omega 3 Intake

September 13, 2017

5 Tips to Enhance Your Omega 3 Intake

Many people consider dietary fat a bad thing, something to be avoided at all cost. Yet fats are necessary in our diet not only as an energy source but as protection for our vital organs, transport for some vitamins and as a component of our cell membranes that enable cells to communicate with other cells. However, not all fats have the same effect on our bodies and health.

Both the quality of fat as well as the quantity of fat consumed are important. We all know what happens when too much (the quantity) is consumed. Regardless of the type of fat, all fat has a higher calorie count per gram compared to carbohydrates and protein. So even though some fats may be a better fat choice that does not mean we can consume excessively. For quality let’s consider the polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and 6. There is the ‘good cop’ omega 3 fatty acids and the ‘bad cop’ omega 6 fatty acids.

Both omega 3 and 6 impact inflammation in our body. Omega 3s have anti-inflammatory properties while omega 6s are pro-inflammatory. Like fat, many people associate inflammation as a bad event. Inflammation is necessary to allow the body to go through the healing and repair process in response to an injury or infection. However, when the body is in a state of chronic inflammation and not responding to an injurious event it can increase our risk of many health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, hypertension and arthritis.

Our North America diets are unfortunately rich in omega 6 and less focused on omega 3, which can result in keeping our body in a chronic inflammatory state. Our diets typically result in an omega 6:3 consumption ratio of 10:1 to 15:1 which is well above the 2:1 to 4:1 ratio that is recommended.

To improve the ratio and/or amount of omega 3 fatty acids consumed try these 5 tips…

  • Choose your oils carefully – Certain oils have significant amounts of omega 6s while others are better for omega 3s. Vegetable and corn oil are high in omega 6 fat.  Most packaged/processed foods are made with less costly high omega 6 vegetable oils. Flaxseed and canola oil are better choices for omega 3.  Cook at home so you can control and know what oils are used.
  • Eat more fish – Cold water fatty fish such as salmon is an excellent choice but mackerel, herring, trout and sardines are good choices too. Try for 2 servings of fish a week, maybe replacing one meat meal.
  • Include nuts and seeds in your snacks and meals – Walnuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds can be part of a mid-day snack, or added to yogurt, oatmeal and salads. Making your own trail mix with a variety of nuts and seeds can be a great mid-day snack. Keep in mind that the calories from fat is the same regardless of where it comes from so avoid overconsumption.
  • Choose grass fed – If you consume animal protein or products choose meat from grass fed animals. Animals who feed on grass have been shown to contain higher amounts of omega 3s and a better ratio than grain (corn) fed animals. Eggs from chickens that have access to open pastures and grass have also been shown to be higher in omega 3s.
  • Add Chia – Chia, tiny superfood seeds, can be added to oatmeal, yogurt or smoothies for a great omega 3 start to your day. Mix chia with your favourite nut milk and refrigerate overnight.  Mix with some fruit the next morning for an omega 3 rich chia pudding.

Don’t fear fat, just choose wisely to enhance rather than hinder your health.

About the Author

Sandra Chu

Consulting Holistic Health Coach Kinesiology & Nutrition Nutrition & Wellness Coach


Hello!  I am a health and wellness educator and promoter who is passionate about preventative health, but I also love food!  I think trying new...

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