5 Ways To Get Started With Meal Prepping

March 5, 2019

Meal prepping can be a daunting task when you think about it. It doesn’t have to be, and can definitely be a game changer for many. If you are having trouble getting started, here are 5 ways that can help you get your way into the kitchen.

5 Ways To Get Started With Meal Prepping

Fridge and Pantry Cleanout

Dig deep into the pantry shelves and fridge drawers. Toss out anything that has been sitting around for too long, or turn almost expired veggies into a broth. Bring out all the cracker, cereal, snack boxes from your pantry that are not being consumed, or maybe might even have a few crawlies in it. This is a moment to have your pantry and fridge ‘spark joy’ especially if the clutter is all you can think about. Wipe down from top to bottom. Yes, it can definitely be time-consuming but will help you in the long run when meal prepping with the right tools and ingredients.

Weekly Planning of Meals 

If not for the full week, at least for a few days you should plan out your main meals. This will also help you compile your grocery list. Purchase only what you need! As you look at your schedule, note the evenings where having your dinner already prepared will save you time!

Choose a Day for Meal Prep 

For me, Sunday morning or afternoon is the best time to do the bulk of my meal prepping. Set the mood with a little music, coffee (or your own choice of beverage) and just get started. You can even make a list of what you will prep in order if that helps.

Choosing Your Method 

Honestly, there is no one way to meal prep. I can tell you how I choose to do it, but that may not work for you. Perhaps you may want to: (a) bulk prep some meal items or even single proteins, grains, veggies to use for more than one day (b) prep ingredients but don’t cook your meals until the day of, or the evening before (c) prepare simple snacks like fruits/veggies, fruit and yogurt, homemade granola bars, and store in containers and mason jars (d) try a buffet style method of cooking single items and throwing them together as meals.


Refrain from asking “Who has time for meal prep? I just don’t have the time?” Think about what your end goal is. Is it for health reasons? Finding more time for yourself out of the kitchen? Spending quality time with your family? Making your week less hectic? Whatever it is, the time and effort you put into the sweat and tears of meal prepping are absolutely worth it. Because YOU are worth it.



About the Author

Sandy Sidhu

General Nutrition Nutrition


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