March 25, 2021
Why I Added the Practice of Gratitude into my Morning Routine.
Over the years I have focused on so much negativity in my life and dwelling on things that had happened in the past and wondering what I did or how come these things happened. The past year has been focused on healing myself and changing my mindset about how I handle situations and changing how I let these situations affect me.
One practice I have recently added is morning gratitude. It is really changing how I go about each day and how I feel getting my day started.
7 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
We are happier
When we can focus on really being grateful for people or situations in our lives we look at these things differently and can move on from them much easier.
Increases our psychological well-being
Having a high level of gratitude has a positive impact on our psychological well-being, self-esteem and depression. Overall, we feel better about ourselves.
It makes people like us
People who are grateful and positive have on average more friends and better relationships. They attract happy and grateful people into their lives.
Strengthens family relationships during stressful times
People who can find positivity in their lives especially during stressful times tend to with more ease than those who are looking at it all negatively.
Reduces depressive feelings
When people who are depressed can look at the positivity of life they usually have fewer depressive symptoms and it can be a great supplemental treatment for depression.
Improves your sleep
When you are having trouble sleeping, practicing gratitude can help you to sleep better and help you to feel more rested when you wake up in the morning.
Enhances empathy and reduces aggression
Those who practice gratitude are more likely to be more kind than those who do not. It tends to give them more empathy towards people even in negative situations rather than retaliating against others.
Try adding some gratitude practice into your mornings before you start your day and before you go to bed and see the difference it makes in your life.