7 Reasons To Add Spirulina To Your Smoothies

February 19, 2018

7 Reasons To Add Spirulina To Your Smoothies

Around 4 years ago, I was introduced to spirulina at a local farmer’s market. Ever since I’ve been adding spirulina powder to my daily green smoothies.

Spirulina is a spiral-shaped blue-green microalgae (cyanobacteria) that is dark green in color. It grows naturally in warm, freshwater lakes, but can also be harvested from man-made reservoirs. You can purchase spirulina in tablet form, but I personally prefer the powder. It’s also best to purchase an organic source that is free of GMOs, pesticides, and herbicides.

I consider spirulina to be a top superfood that should be added to everyone’s diet.

Here Are 7 Reasons Why:

  • Spirulina is a complete protein source: by weight, spirulina contains the highest concentration of protein of any food – over 60% easily digestible protein. It also contains 18 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids that our body requires for ultimate health.
  • Spirulina is a rich source of chlorophyll: the chlorophyll found in spirulina helps remove toxins and other impurities from the body, while also cleansing and alkalizing it. It also oxygenates the blood and helps boost the immune system.
  • Spirulina is full of nutrients: potent and concentrated, spirulina contains high amounts of B12, beta-carotene, calcium and phosphorous.
  • Spirulina won’t lose its nutrients: no matter what you do, spirulina will maintain its nutrients. It has the ability to thrive in the harshest temperatures. So it doesn’t matter if you freeze it, refrigerate it or let it sit on the counter, the nutritional benefits will not be lost.
  • Spirulina contains both omega 3 and omega 6: it’s a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, which is important for brain cognition and behavioral function. Spirulina also contains the omega 6 fatty acids gamma linoleic acid (GLA), which helps reduce inflammation; as well as linoleic acid, which is required for proper reproductive system functioning and aids in the structure of the central nervous system.
  • Spirulina is high in bio-available iron: depending on the variety, it’s about 25-30 times richer in iron than spinach. This is incredibly important in my diet as a vegan.
  • Spirulina is energy boosting: when consuming it, spirulina offers a near-instantaneous boost to your energy, which helps reduce fatigue and can improve your endurance and focus.

Spirulina is a magical powder chock full of numerous benefits to the human body. I highly suggest giving it a try by adding a tsp to your next smoothie!

About the Author

Cayla Ranice

Creating Balance through nutrition,exercice, mindfulness Digestive Health Food as Medicine Holistic Health and Wellness Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit Plant based nutrition Vegan

I attended online studies at Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition and graduated from their Tier 1 Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach program in November of...

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