8 Tips For Handling Food Safely

July 5, 2018

8 Tips for Handling Food Safely

We all know that a bad case of food poisoning can really ruin our fun, so I want to provide you with some tips to help keep you healthy and happy this summer season!! With the many picnic and BBQ’s upon us, the risk of foodborne illness can increase if we are not careful. Despite the numerous different organisms that can cause these illnesses, most cases can be avoided if we follow these basic tips.

Choose Foods Wisely 

Voluntary “best before” dates should be checked and foods with expired dates avoided.  Jars should be closed and seals unbroken.  Cans that are rusted, dented, or bulging should be passed up on.  Frozen foods should be selected from below the frost line in the deep freeze and should not contain frost or ice crystals.  When shopping, cold foods should be purchased last.

Store Food Properly 

Fresh or frozen foods purchased from the store should be refrigerated or frozen immediately at the proper temperature. Food that has been in your refrigerator for longer than is safe should be thrown away.


Hands, cooking utensils, and surfaces should be washed with warm, soapy water before each food preparation step.  This will prevent cross contamination which is a huge cause of foodborne illness! Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds before handling food. To sterilize surfaces, wash with bleach.


Foods should be thawed in room temperature or in the microwave.

Cook Thoroughly 

Cooking temperatures should be checked. Thorough cooking destroys most bacteria, viruses, toxins, and parasites.

Refrigerate Promptly 

Cooked food should be refrigerated as soon as possible after serving as it can be recontaminated if left out.

Reheat Thoroughly 

Foods should be reheated to 75 degrees to destroy micro-organisms that have recontaminated cooked foods and toxins that have been produced.

When In Doubt Throw It Out!

About the Author

Lindsay Grinevitch

Fitness Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition & Wellness Coach


I am so excited to finally be working towards a certification in a field that I have been extremely passionate about for many years! I...

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