October 27, 2017
All About Vitamin A
Vitamin A – a fat soluble vitamin that’s stored in the liver plays an important role in our immune system. It is an antioxidant, which helps in reducing inflammation and also helps in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function and healthy skin.
Sources of Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be found in two types, one is Preformed Vitamin A and is called Retinoids. Retinoids mainly come from Animal sources such as liver, fish, egg yolks, milk and milk products.
Another type of Provitamin A called Carotenoids. Vegetables that contain carotenoids have a yellow, orange and red pigment. It gives the colour to fruits and vegetables such as: carrots, red peppers, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
Symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency
- Gluten sensitivity issues
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Dry hair, acne, dry and scaly skin
- Frequent and persistent skin infections
- Extreme deficiency can lead to blindness
Health benefits of Vitamin A
- Strengthens immune system as it is a powerful antioxidant. It also enhances the activity of white blood cells by keeping the mucus membrane moist. It helps to fight infections and prevents germs from entering the body.
- Maintains vision by enabling eyes to adjust to light changes, keeps the eye moist and also improves night vision.
- Vitamin A is an antioxidant that keeps our body safe from free radicals and toxins. It helps in keeping the skin soft by supporting moisture retention.
- It strengthens bones by helping the formation of dentin, a layer of hard material below the surface of the teeth, which intern helps in proper muscles growth.
- Vitamin A helps in minimizing sebum production which results in reducing acne. It is essential for maintenance of skin tissues and mucus membranes.
Toxicity of Vitamin A
As Vitamin A is fat soluble, it gets stored in the liver when taken in excess. This may lead to toxicity. Toxicity usually occurs from high doses in the form of supplements. Chronic toxicity can lead to liver damage and increased pressure on the brain.
Toxicity is not seen when Vitamin A is ingested from plant and animal sources. If you are taking it as a supplement, it is recommended to ask a professional if the supplements are safe for you.