December 14, 2016
I have been feeling sluggish lately. I felt my digestion and elimination were not quite what I’m used to, and at times feeling dehydrated with dry lips and headaches. I wondered if it was just the change of season and shorter days; or perhaps I was drinking less water than I normally do, or maybe it was nibbling on seasonal goodies that are all around me.
Then it struck me that I had fallen off the wagon with my routine of drinking morning lemon water. It is a lot easier to drink water in general, and definitely lemon water during the warmer months. But in the cooler months, though it is challenging to drink enough water, lemon water in the morning is still refreshing and great for our bodies.
So, I have made a declaration to get back on the lemon water band wagon…and here is why….
Affordable nutrition. Lemons are inexpensive and readily available in the grocery store. I just paid 77 cents per lemon. So for 34 cents per day I can reap the lemony rewards.
Vitamin C. Lemons are a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for boosting our immune system, preventing free radicals from forming, developing and maintaining our bodies collagen (ahem – younger looking skin and fewer wrinkles), improving wound healing.
Extra nutrients. They also contain a decent amount of potassium, copper and vitamin B6. Potassium helps regulate fluid balance and is important for nerve functioning, muscle contraction and regulates the heartbeat. Copper helps form hemoglobin, helps with the bodies energy production pathways, and works with vitamin C in collagen production.
Hydrating. Starting your day with at least two cups of lemon water is a great step towards to reaching your daily quota of water and you won’t be drinking acidic coffee on an empty stomach.
Alkalinity. Lemon juice helps alkalize our bodies – disease does not thrive in an alkaline environment.
Digestion. Lemon water aids in digestion by encouraging the liver to produce bile. When we eat, the gallbladder releases bile to help break down your meal – great for digestion. When combined with fiber it carries away toxins. Also, hydrochloric acid in our stomach production is increased and assists in breaking down proteins and helps to kill bacteria, parasites and viruses.
Constipation. The improved digestion reduces constipation and improves elimination.
Detoxifying. Lemon water cleanses and detoxifies the liver by increasing the liver’s detoxifying enzymes. Your liver is absolutely essential to your health and well-being. It has more than five hundred functions, many of them involved with detoxification.
Glowing skin. With improved digestion, elimination, hydration and detoxification, expect your skin to glow
Mood. The smell of lemons and lemon essential oil have been shown to enhance our mood – and who doesn’t want that first thing in the morning…. Like a glass of sunshine!
So hop on the lemon water band wagon with me!
Blend at least half a lemon, include some pith and a bit of organic peel (there is a lot of nutrition hiding there) with at least one cup of water, and drink it up.
With richer foods, dehydrating alcoholic beverages, sweets and nibblies being enjoyed this time of year – your body will thank you!
Are you in?
Health and Happiness,
Lisa Henderson