Benefits of Celery Juice!

August 26, 2018

Celery juice transformed my digestive health!!!!!

I’ve suffered with chronic digestive issues for over 15 years, but the last few years, things got increasingly worse.

I was so sick, that I ended up losing 40 pounds because of constant, round the clock, excruciatingly painful bloody diarrhea. It didn’t matter what I ate, it would make me sick, and I was so weak from it all, that I was bed ridden.

The worst part about my health scare, was not being able to find any real answers, or relief from the conventional medical system. I was bounced around from specialist to specialist and diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease and SIBO. I was put on various pharmaceutical medications, only to find that my condition worsened.

I was out of options and my back was against the wall. I had nothing left to lose, but my life. That’s when I decided to give natural medicine a try. It was a very long and bumpy road, (to say the least) but I know making that crucial decision is what saved my life.

Food truly is medicine and the biggest helper to my digestive health has been my friend, celery! 🙂

Through my healing journey, I discovered Anthony William’s books about the truth behind chronic illness, thyroid disorders and how to use healing foods to treat various health conditions. In his first book, Medical Medium, he writes about the extensive health benefits of celery juice.

Celery itself is known as a healthy and tasty, negative calorie vegetable. Celery juice on the other hand, has a plethora of health benefits and yet it is so basic, that it is overlooked for being the powerhouse healer that it is.

It contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for those with chronic illness, including autoimmune conditions. It starves unproductive bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus and viruses that are present in the body, and flushes out their toxins through the intestinal tract and liver.

Celery juice is made up of mineral salts, that are highly alkalizing to the gut and help to strengthen the production of hydrochloric acid, which is critical for proper digestion.

Benefits of Celery Juice!

The following are just a few conditions that can be treated with celery juice:

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Lyme disease
  • IBS, SIBO, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease
  • Acne, eczema, psoriasis
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)

If you have chronic illness of any kind, are looking to detox and cleanse your body, or even lose weight, consider drinking 16oz of fresh celery juice every morning. You’ll be so glad you did!

About the Author

Taz Nathoo

Holistic Nutrition


I am currently on the path to becoming a holistic nutritionist. I am in my first year completing the health coach portion of the program....

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