Benefits of fats in our diet

November 13, 2016

Fat has been given a bad reputation over the years, being plagued as an evil monster and the root cause of high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity. But recently scientific studies show that there are  so many benefits to eating more fat.

Fats should account for 25 – 30% of calories eaten in a day & a range of 10 – 20% to gradually bring down problems like high cholesterol, heart disease.

benefits of healthy fat nutraphoria school of holistic nutrition

Benefits of Fat

  • Every Cell in the body needs fat.
  • They keep our cells strong to protect from dangers.
  • It is essential in manufacturing of hormones like prostalgladins.
  • It supports the health of the brain.
  • Leaves you feeling satisfied after a meal.
  • Provide energy.
  • Provides our organs a protective cushion.
  • Helps the body absorb minerals such as calcium & fat soluble vitamin A,D,E and K.

Although there are rarely deficiencies; eating fat in excess, or eating the wrong kind could be deadly which could lead to high cholesterol or cancer.

There are 2 types of fat which are saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated – come from both animal and plant source and tend to be solid at room temperature,this type can be healthy if we consume the plant source such as coconut oil and eating the animal source in moderation.

Unsaturated- which are susceptible to damage,one must be careful in preventing oxidation by refrigerating or storing in a dark container away from light,examples are sunflower oil,avocado.

Fats are important in our diet and essential for good health. There are so many types of fat which could be beneficial or detrimental to our over all health.

Choose well and choose as close to nature as you can get.

About the Author

Joyce Busari

Nutritional counseling


 Joyce Busari is an aesthetician with 15 years experience,she trained at the prestigious champneys college UK,after graduation worked at various spas before opening her very...

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