June 19, 2018
Bermuda Honey Energy Balls
- 2 Cups Oats
- 1/2 Cup freshly ground flax
- 1.5 Tsp ceylon cinnamon
- 1 Whole vanilla bean seed
- 1/2 Cup honey
- Sea salt
- 2 Tbsp chia seeds
- 1 Cup raw almond butter – not roasted
- 1 Cup golden sultanas
- Boil kettle and soak sultanas, blend honey, almond butter and vanilla in food processor then strain sultanas
- Add them to a bowl along with al dry ingredients
- Now pour over the nut butter and honey and mix well
- Make small 1.5″ balls and should yield 18-20 depending on how many you eat along the way!
These are great after working hard in the gym and they freeze well.