Biolifehack: Kelp

February 16, 2018

I thought I would share one of my lifehacks!

Biolifehack: Kelp

A mineral that most of us don’t get enough of is iodine. Iodine is found mainly in food from the sea, so algae is a great way to get iodine into your body.

If you buy iodine supplements, they are often tablets with kelp (a kind of common algae). It’s good because they are natural that way. But the tablets less than rarely contain fillers.. So you should buy kelp in powdered form instead. Kelppulver. But… Kelppulver tastes really bad, not many people last using it more than a few days.

Kelp and other algae have a flavour enhancement (a bit like a broth). In Asia, you often add algae to soups and pots for the taste. Putting the cabbage powder on food is a very good way to get the food to taste better and to get more iodine.

So my trick here is that I mix my himalayan salt with kelp. About half of each, or a bit more salt. That way, I don’t even need to remember to get kelp – every time I salt the food, I get it!

About the Author

Matilda Höglund

Currently enrolled in CHNC program


Hi, I’m Matilda 25 years old from Sweden. I just starded my first program here at Nutraphoria to become a health coach in nutrition. My...

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