Cellular Spring Cleaning

April 26, 2019

A reboot gift for your body!

IMPORTANT! I am not a Doctor! Before attempting any detox, cleanse, or fast first consult with your physician!

Cellular Spring Cleaning

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, this is the time of year we may all want to take a moment to tap into what we need to do to give our bodies a bit of tuning. Detoxing, cleansing, fasting, whatever you want to call it, this is a wonderful way to bring us back into our more balanced form. Balance is something our bodies are constantly working tirelessly to achieve. Both day and night a great amount of energy is used to bring our bodies back into balance. Unfortunately, we may be continuous, without knowing, causing this job to take way more of our bodies energy than is needed. So, this is where we step in and give our bodies a bit of a break. By simply eliminating toxins and incorporating nourishing and detoxifying ingredients such as Filtered Water, Lemon/Lime Juice, Cayenne Pepper, and Grade B Maple Syrup you can make an amazing shift in the balance of your body in only a matter of days. For some of us that might be more on the health-conscious side, this may only take one day. For everyone else, this may take 3 to 7 days.

This Spring Cleaning starts at the core of where our bodies begin the balancing process, our cells. Cleansing at a cellular level will activate your Autophagy process (your bodies cellular recycling system) where it takes all the junk in your cells and puts it through a recycling system. Toxins are then excreted through your sweat, bowls, tears, and urine. As well, potentially harmful misfolded protein molecules are broken down into individual amino acids where they are then sent to the liver to be reprocessed and delivered to any cells in the body that may need them to form new healthy protein molecules. The whole autophagy process will aid in the destruction of diseased/useless (cancer) cells while at the same time strengthen and rebuild functioning/useful cells. This is fascinating stuff and I highly recommend that you YouTube Autophagy when you have some spare time. I’ve really only scratched the surface on this Nobel Prize Winning topic.

Important to use only ORGANIC ingredients!

Days 1, 2, and 3 are your prep days

Day 1 – Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables (raw or cooked) and drink only water, herbal tea, smoothies, homemade bone broth or freshly made juice from only fresh vegetables (one apple is ok for a bit of added sweetness). Look up Juicing, Smoothie and Bone Broth recipes online (Dr. Burg is a great source of information).

Day 2 – Drink only water, herbal tea, smoothies, homemade bone broth or freshly made juice from only fresh vegetables (one apple is ok for a bit of added sweetness).

Day 3 – Same as day 2

Day 4 – Make the 16 oz Master Cleanse recipe (fresh) and drink one every 2 hrs. about 4 to 6 times a day. Drink the same amount in water in between. This is very detoxifying and you will be losing a lot of water that will need to be replenished.

Day 5 and 6 – Same as day 4

Note: keep your activity level at a minimum in order to keep as much of your energy used only for the autophagy process. So very little to no exercise.

Day 7 – Drink only water, herbal tea, smoothies, homemade bone broth or freshly made juice from only FRESH vegetables (one apple is ok for a bit of added sweetness).

Day 8 – Same as day 7

Day 9 – Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables (raw or cooked) and drink only water, herbal tea, smoothies, homemade bone broth or freshly made juice from only FRESH vegetables (one apple is ok for a bit of added sweetness). Look up Juicing, Smoothie and Bone Broth recipes online (Dr. Burg is a great source of information).

Day 10 until your next Cellular Spring Cleaning.

Now that you’ve achieved your desired balance you may want to seek some more healthy alternatives in order to maintain your new holistic lifestyle. There are many great diets and recipes available online just waiting for you to tap into.

Master Cleanse Recipe


  • 16 oz. Filtered Water
  • 2 Tbsp. Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (organic)
  • 2 Tbsp. Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice (organic)
  • 2 to 3 Tbsp. Grade B Maple Syrup (organic)
  • ¼ tsp. Cayenne Pepper (organic)


  • Blend together and enjoy!

About the Author

Jacqueline Veysey

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