
May 3, 2017

Remember when chia seeds were something you smeared on the outside of a Terra Cotta animal or bust of a famous person. Then you waited for days and weeks for them to grow “hair”?

The benefits of Chia seeds

The Chia Pet may have been the first wave of chia sales in the United States but Chia seeds have been around since about 3500BC.  Grown in Mexico and South America, chia seeds are said to have been used by Mayan and Aztec cultures for supernatural powers. It’s not at all surprising considering the nutritional whammy that these tiny little seeds can pack into our diet.

Chia is one powerful little seed. It is a rich source of  B vitamins, thiamine and niacin, and a good source of riboflavin and folate. It is also a rich source minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc. It’s also surprisingly packed with omega-3’s. This tiny little power house food is said to be an anti-oxidant, reduce blood sugar levels, reduce the LDL’s, and promote heart health.

In Mayan, Chia means Strength. Ancient warriors attributed much of their strength to this tiny seed. After drinking a mixture of lemon, chia and water, it is said they could run 100 miles. I want something that powerful in my diet.

Also used in religious ceremony, when the Spanish conquered, it’s use was banned. Luckily, the seeds themselves survived, perhaps due to their super powers. .

Chia can be added to your diet in so many ways. Add to smoothies, use in breads and muffin recipes, homemade granola and crackers. Sprinkle these little super seeds on cereals and salads. They are a natural thickener, one part chia seeds soaked in 6 parts water creates a gel. One tablespoon of this gel can substitute for one egg in baking. Great for those with allergies or if you need to cut some calories. Chia can also thicken puddings and soups, and makes a great pectin for homemade jam.

Chia seeds can be black or white. Their nutrient value is the same. They can be used whole or in ground form. Both forms should be stored in an airtight glass container or airtight plastic bag. Stored in a cold dry place they can be stored for up to two years in a pantry or up to 4 years in a refrigerator. If they smell rancid, they are rancid. But if you have stored chia this long, you are not eating enough of it.

I can understand why this was used in religious ceremonies. Something this tiny and that powerful deserves a little worship. I however will stick to worshipping mine as an ingredient in several recipes and not as a “pet” that I can’t even take for a walk.

About the Author

Sonja Svihura

Consulting Nutrition & Wellness Coach Weight Loss

Alberta Lethbridge

A diagnosis of High Cholesterol and a low to moderate risk of Stroke or Cardiac Disease, I took it upon myself to find a better...

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