Chicken Bone Broth Recipe

February 21, 2017

Bone broth is a simple way to keep your body warm and energized during the long winter. It is the most effective prescription for anything from the common cold to healing chronic digestive issues.

And, did I mention, it is incredibly simple!

Bone Broth Recipe:


  • small chicken (precooked or whole uncooked chicken)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1/2 an onion
  • a crockpot


  • Cook chicken it in the oven for an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.
  • Once the chicken is cooked, let it cool and remove all the meat. You can put the meat in a glass container, let it cool down and put in the fridge to make another meal with! What we are interested in for this recipe are the bones.
  • Once the meat is removed, you can take the entire carcass and place it in the crockpot.
  • Now you add the carrot and celery. You do not need much of these things, they are just helping for flavour and are not going to be eaten so no need to peel or chop. Just wash and break and place in the pot.
  • Peel an onion, cut twice, and put half in the pot.
  • Add just enough filtered water to cover 1 inch over everything.
  • Add salt and pepper or any other seasonings you like.
  • Turn on the crockpot put the lid on and in the morning your bone broth is ready!

Let it cook for 12-14 hours.

bone broth recipe nutraphoria

Why bone broth?
It will boost your immune system, improve your skin, help with joint pain and heal your digestive system!

About the Author

Lauren Angus

Lauren Angus


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