Creating Healthy Skin From Within

September 27, 2017

Creating Healthy Skin From Within

Aging with good health is certainly a great task these days when we are continually exposed to toxins in our food and water. Maintaining a restored appearance on the outside begins with wellness on the inside. Collagen is a protein found throughout our body, essential for our largest organ – skin, as well as tendons, bones, internal organs and cartilage. It’s supports our skins elasticity and strength, benefiting us with a youthful, healthy glow.

With time collagen production naturally slows down but never stops, with this comes an increase of lines, wrinkles, sagging and dehydration. The thin outer layer of our skin is the epidermis which helps to regenerate new cells, so good nutrition is imperative when it comes to building new collagen. Make it a daily habit to consume a variety of nutritious foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Bone Broth 

When you eat bone broth you are eating collagen! Simmering animal bones in water releases the collagen, along with other minerals.


(Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries) Dark, rich coloured berries are loaded with antioxidants that help to fight free radicals and boost collagen.

Citrus Fruit 

(Oranges, Lemons, Limes, and Grapefruit) Citrus fruit is high in vitamin C (antioxidant) which helps to regulate the building of collagen, to treat acne and dark spots.


Orange – (Sweet potato and Carrots) Bright orange fruits are beneficial for vitamin A, which helps to repair damaged collagen, great collagen booster and acne fighter, provides elasticity and increased blood flow to our skins surface and delays the look of aging.

Red – (Peppers, Beets, Tomatoes) These vibrant veggies contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant, natural sunblock and collagen booster.

Avocado – Rich in vitamin E which helps to fight free radicals, and provides omega – 3’s which increase collagen production, and also contain plant steroids that help with blemishes, age spots and rejuvenates damaged skin.

Cabbage (Green or red) Cabbage contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, is a very good antioxidant, and contains lutenin, which is beneficial to help fight free radicals.

Dark Green  – (Spinach, Kale, Asparagus)  These nutritious greens will help with skins elasticity and keep it looking hydrated, and also contains the antioxidant, lutein.


Even though we like to avoid garlic breath, these healthy cloves are full of sulphur, taurine, and lipoic acid, which all help to rebuild damaged collagen, and create new.


(Coconut, Flaxseed, Olive, Avocado)  Each of these healthy oils are rich in omega – 3’s, which help to increase collagen production, plump up skin cells which decreases lines and wrinkles.


(Black or Green) These zesty little fruits will provide us with a boost of sulphur, as like cabbage, which helps to increase collagen production.


(Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel) Like other foods on the list fish is very rich in omega 3’s, which help with inflammation and are essential to our skin cells, and in turn will provide a smoother, younger looking skin.


(Broad, Butter, Pinto, Navy)  Not only providing us with great fibre, are low in fat, beans are loaded with zinc and hyaluronic acid, which is a substance that will slow down visible signs of aging.


Dark chocolate is rich is antioxidants, and by eating this yummy treat it will increase the blood flow to the surface of your skin, and protects against sun damage.


(Soy milk, Tofu, Cheese) Soy contains a plant hormone called genistein, which increases  collagen production, provides antioxidants, and helps to block enzymes that age the skin.


(Lean Meats, Turkey, Nuts, Yogurt, Eggs) Each of these foods will provide us with a healthy portion of protein in our diet. Turkey is high on the list for its many benefits, one being zinc, which reduces dry skin and inflammation, increases collagen production and elastin. It also contains the amino acid, carnosine, which helps reduce wrinkles, increase elasticity, and rejuvenate skin cells.  Eggs and yogurt also help with collagen production and repair damage. If you like to include only plant based fats, then raw nuts are a nutritional way to go. An assortment of nuts provides us with vitamins and minerals that are great  for collagen production and give antioxidants a boost.

As the list above shows, there are multiple options of foods to choose from daily to maintain a balanced diet. If we choose wisely we will benefit with beautiful glowing skin and better health.

About the Author

Deb Carlson

Holistic Nutrition Nutrition Coach


Hi, I am a new student of Nutraphoria and aspire to become a Nutritional Coach. I find enjoyment in delicious food, reading, fitness and yoga,...

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