Cucumber Salad

August 25, 2018

Cucumber Salad

Prep Time: 5-10 min


1 Cucumber
2-3 tbsp Organic Plain Yogurt
2 tsp Dill
2 tsb Chives
1 tsb Himalayan Salt (Sea Salt would also work)
Pinch Pepper (to taste)

*All measurements are subject to personal taste, none of  the measurements are strict


  • Wash and prep the cucumber, you can remove the cucumber skin if you do not like it
  • Slice your cucumber. Softer: slice the cucumber in thin slices, crunchy: slice the cucumber into thick slices, and then into halves
  • Mix the plain yogurt , salt ,pepper, and dill together
  • Add in cucumbers; mix well
  • Taste, add more Salt & Pepper to taste


  • You can add other favourite vegetables (eg. Bell pepper, mushroom, peas)
  • If you are pre-making this, salt the cucumbers before so they do not become too watery
  • You can also use Tzatziki in place of plain yogurt


About the Author

Leah Flemmer

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