DIY Kombucha

April 28, 2018

DIY Kombucha


Kombucha is a healthy and delicious fermented tea beverage. This wholesome tonic is made with three simple ingredients: tea, sugar, and a SCOBY. SCOBY is an acronym for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast and is the ingredient that turns plain old sweet tea into an effervescent, healthful drink.

What’s in it for me?

Kombucha has a myriad of health benefits to boast of. With the wide range of B vitamins from the natural yeast strains cultured in Kombucha, it can certainly boost one’s energy and reduce stress. Thanks to the high levels of antioxidants which fight off free radicals, Kombucha may slow down the aging process and prevent many chronic diseases. The probiotics in this flavourful beverage improve gastrointestinal health, boosts the immune system and supports brain health. This list of constituents has also been known to improve joint, skin, and heart health. With the enzymes and multitude of nutrients contained in it, helping to bring the body into a well functioning balanced system, there is a real opportunity for Kombucha to aid in the effort of weight loss. Even with all this, when it comes to the health benefits of Kombucha this is the short list.

Why DIY?

Unfortunately, these health promises come at a high cost, since purchasing Kombucha from the local health food store or grocer can be quite spendy. Thankfully, it is very easy and inexpensive to make at home yourself. The first step in making Kombucha is tracking down a SCOBY. This can be done by purchasing a dehydrated one online or at your favorite health food store. Next, you must rehydrate it which, is quite a long drawn out process. On the other hand, with a bit of searching around, you can usually find someone who makes Kombucha, who is more than happy to equip you with an already active SCOBY. Once you find yourself in this blessed situation, simply follow the step by step instructions below.


  • Bring 6-7 cups of water to a boil
  • Stir in 1 cup of sugar
  • Add 8 tea bags or 2 tbsp. of loose tea & let steep for about 15min
  • Add 6-7 cups of cold water (this makes it the right temperature for the SCOBY)
  • Remove tea bags & pour into the Kombucha jar with the SCOBY & the 2 cups of already fermented Kombucha. Make sure to cover the opening of your fermenting vessel with a breathable top such as a dish towel
  • For the first batch wait about 2 weeks before bottling after that you can bottle about once a week
  • When bottling you can bottle about 80% leaving at least 20% in the jug to get the next batch of sweetened tea started in the fermentation process
  • Flavour your Kombucha when you bottle it by adding fruit juice, frozen fruit, herbs, etc.
  • Give it a second ferment by leaving it out for 3-5 more days, this time sealed with a lid
  • Now you will stop the fermentation process by moving the bottled Kombucha into the fridge
  • Once completely chilled it is ready for you to enjoy!


About the Author

Tammy Miller

Consulting Food as Medicine Holistic Health and Wellness Nutrition & Wellness Coach

Peace River

As a student enrolled in Nutraphoria’s Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach Certification program I am eager to learn all I can about the intricately designed...

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