Duos and Don’ts for Optimum Nutrition

September 6, 2017

Duos and Don’ts for Optimum Nutrition

Whatever we consume is digested to release nutrients for absorption and distribution for use in our bodies. The term ‘bioavailability’ refers to how much of a nutrient our bodies will absorb and use for functioning. Some nutrients can have a greater nutritional impact when consumed with a helpful sidekick. Conversely, some combinations can be detrimental to our systems. Here are a few combination Duos and Don’ts to consider:

DUO: Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric is a champion inflammation fighter, thanks to the compound it contains called curcumin. When consumed on its own turmeric is a little shy, but when partnered with black pepper the curcumin is enhanced 1,000 times. (Yes, 1,000 times!) To really up your turmeric game, mix turmeric and black pepper with good fats to help absorption; heat this mixture to further increase the solubility of the curcumin.

Tip: Shake and grind! I keep a shaker of organic ground turmeric powder right next to my pepper grinder. Try adding this duo to coconut or almond milk and heat for a warm, anti-inflammatory cuppa.

DON’T: Tea and Milk

Well, this one might hurt a little for the tea lovers, but milk and tea are actually not very friendly with each other. For starters, caffeine can limit calcium absorption, and while black tea is loaded in antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory, milk protein is a little clingy and will bind to the antioxidants and inhibit proper absorption.

Tip: Have your black tea with a squeeze of real lemon juice as this pairing will help your body maximize antioxidant absorption. Even better, try lemon with green tea, as research shows it to have a wider scope of health benefits than black tea.

DUO: Salad and Full Fat

Let’s be clear: this isn’t license to drown your salad in grocery store dressing just because it doesn’t say low-fat or fat-free. It is about reaching for a good fat like a cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil. This oil will help your body absorb the nutrients contained in carotenoids, the plant pigment that fights off cancer and heart disease. A little splash of oil, a favourite vinegar and/or a squeeze of lemon will do the trick.

Tip: Another way to add good fat to salad is to sprinkle it with seeds and nuts. Add heart, brain and anti-cancer benefits with walnuts, hemp, flax, chia, and sesame.

DON’T: White Bread and Jam

A simple jam sandwich is indeed simple – a naughty duo of simple carbohydrates, this is. This pairing tells your blood sugar to rapidly spike, causing your body to work hard to release insulin from the pancreas to get things back under control. Over time, your pancreas may not be so generous in bringing order back to your body, creating insulin resistance and diabetes. Of course, white bread and jam are not the only pairing culprits here. Get to know what simple carbohydrates are so that you can avoid the uncomfortable sugar crash they produce. (Hint: sugary food, drink and candy; white foods, such as pasta, bread, rice, potato.)

Tip: If you are a bread eater, you can help keep your blood sugar stable by consuming 100% whole grains. Not sure? Just look for the 100% whole grain symbol on your purchase.

We depend on our bodies for our functioning, and our body depends on us for good fuel. Now that sounds like a dynamic duo! Be the helpful sidekick your body needs to keep you functioning optimally.

Nourish your body. Nurture your soul. Live life fully from the inside out!

P.S. – Want to hang out? You can find me across most social media here: @HolisticJudith

About the Author

Judith Duguid

Consulting Food as Medicine Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit


My own journey to health isn’t overly dramatic. I simply came to the point of realizing that no matter how much I read or researched...

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