Easy Yoga Everyday

February 18, 2018

Easy Yoga Everyday

Laying on your back with your legs up against a wall is a simple yoga exercise called “leg up the wall” or “viparita karani”. Many alternative medicine and yoga teachers recommend staying in this position around 20 minutes a day and just breathe to reduce stress, aches, etc. But even shorter time can also help!

I think that this position works to relieve the blood from the muscles and heart (it is pumped by stress when sympathetic nervous system dominates) to brain and digestion (this is usually distributed back when the calming parasympathetic nervous system is running). Besides this you have viparita karani / adds the wall’s advantages that it opens the back of the legs a little (easy stretch), and also the back of the neck. It improves circulation and reduces strain on tired or stiff feet and legs. The position is said to reduce anxiety, depression, stress, arthritis, indigestion, difficulty breathing, insomnia, headache, scarring, back pain and other health problems.

Try this in combination of mindfullness!

About the Author

Matilda Höglund

Currently enrolled in CHNC program


Hi, I’m Matilda 25 years old from Sweden. I just starded my first program here at Nutraphoria to become a health coach in nutrition. My...

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