Fancy a Cuppa?

June 30, 2017

Meet Your Matcha

Mmmm. Matcha tea. One of my favourites! I honestly have no idea when or where I was introduced to it, but it has been a staple in my home for many years. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea (pun intended), but it is one that I encourage people to try as the health benefits are plentiful and science-backed.

While green tea is generally associated with roots in China, it was Japanese Zen monks in Japan that began using the leaf in whole, powdered form. They found that it was helpful for use in their meditations because the tea had properties that both awaken and calm, thanks to the caffeine and a calming amino acid, theanine. (Awake AND calm?! Can I get a high five here?)

Matcha is a better option than regular green tea because the leaves themselves are ingested, though the veins and stems are removed. The nutrient offerings are greater than regular green tea and contain 137 times more antioxidants. To put that in perspective, one cup of matcha is equal to 10 cups of regular brewed green tea in terms of antioxidant content.

How much do I love matcha?

Let me count the ways…or at least name some of the numerous health benefits that science confirms:

  • Fights back against heart disease, reducing the risk -31%
  • Increases metabolism and fat burning rates
  • Generates calm while also boosting alertness
  • Decelerates aging and helps skin resist UV rays
  • Prevents tooth decay by making saliva less acidic
  • Reduces risk of cancer and Type 2 diabetes
  • Protects the liver
  • Improves memory
  • Keeps bowels moving
  • Reduces susceptibility to certain allergens
  • Gives a boost to eyesight and bone structure
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Generally, Matcha is made with a ratio of 1 tsp powder to 2 oz hot water (‘thick tea’) or a ratio of ½ tsp power to 3-4 oz water (‘thin tea’). Green tea can become bitter if steeped in water that has come to a full boil, so aim for water no hotter than 80 °C.

Ready to grab your favourite mug and enjoy a ‘cuppa health’? Cheers to that!

Nourish your body. Nurture your soul. Live life fully from the inside out!

P.S. – Want to hang out? I am on most social media as: @HolisticJudith

(This information is to offer an understanding and knowledge of aspects of health. This is in no way a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician if you have any concerns.)

About the Author

Judith Duguid

Consulting Food as Medicine Holistic Health Coach Holistic Nutrition Holistic Nutrition Coach Personalized balance - body, mind, spirit


My own journey to health isn’t overly dramatic. I simply came to the point of realizing that no matter how much I read or researched...

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