Farmer’s Market Love

October 26, 2017

Farmer’s Market Love

It’s that time of year in central Ontario! The farmer’s markets are having their grand openings! We managed to visit two this morning. The Georgina Farmer’s Market, and Uxbridge Farmer’s Market. I love, love, love supporting  our local farmers and other local businesses!

Asparagus was my number one goal for this morning’s tour. And boy, did I get asparagus! And spinach, fresh mushrooms, hothouse tomatoes, green onions, and green garlic! Not to mention some wonderful locally produced hot-honey mustard, (which I enjoyed on a fresh-baked pretzel when I got home). And a dozen fresh free-range eggs.

What to do with this pile of fresh asparagus? Lunch. One of my favourite ways to eat asparagus is steamed, on toast, with a lovely, hot, runny poached egg on top. Just a sprinkle of sea salt and pepper. Yum!

Asparagus is a wonderful source of fiber; a prebiotic that helps stimulate the growth of beneficial gut microbiota. A serving of asparagus provides 67% of the recommended Daily Value of folate, scores low on the Glycemic Index (a measure of the rise in circulating blood sugar, a carbohydrate trigger), and is a source of beta carotene and riboflavin.

A whole egg provides 6 grams of protein (a complete protein containing all essential amino acids). It is rich in lecithin, and a source of Vitamins D, E, B5, B7, B12, thiamine, niacin, beta carotene, iron, manganese and zinc. All this and only 63 calories in a medium sized egg.

Bread is something I try not to go crazy with. But I often make my own (love my breadmaker!). This time though, I used Rudolph’s Bavarian. So delicious, and the ingredient list is pretty straight-forward.

An awesome Sunday treat, and I’m still satisfied three hours later. Now to figure out what to do with the rest of my farmer’s market bounty!

Shop local, know your farmer, and enjoy!

About the Author

Sue Wallace



Hi, my name is Sue! I’m excited to be enrolled in the Holistic Nutritionist program at Nutraphoria! I am enjoying the program so far, and...

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